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October 4, 2003
U.S. diabetes rate continues to rise

This is beginning to sound like a broken record, but at some point we need to take some action to reverse this trend. The problem, as I found out three years ago when I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes, is the high carb count in American diets (hell, the high everything count). Carbs convert to glucose quickly in the bloodstream, and the body responds by producing insulin. But if you do that too often, the body starts becoming resistant to the insulin, just like with most other chemicals. That is the leading cause of Type II -- weight-influenced insulin resistance. The only fix is to either supplement the insulin or to lose the weight. I was fortunate; I was able to lose the weight, but that diagnosis is the only reason why I did. I lost over 100 pounds, and have kept it off almost a year, and I no longer track my blood sugars. I did that by getting regular exercise, cutting back on the portions, and ruthlessly reducing the amount of non-vegetable carbs I take in, especially starches.

This is a fixable problem, and we need to start by not bombarding our children with a galaxy of sugar-drenched foods.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 4, 2003 5:00 PM

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