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October 14, 2003
The President's End Run

The Washington Post reports that President Bush will start bypassing the national, traditional media and start focusing on regional and non-traditional media in order to get his message out more clearly and with less editorial filtering. Power Line links the story in its essay on the decision and its possible impact. Read the entire essay; it's excellent, although I disagree with it in one respect:

And he and other administration officials should criticize Democratic jounalists and news outlets by name. The Democratic news media have overplayed their hand, and everyone knows how biased they are. (I'll link to a recent Gallup poll on this issue later in the day.) Why should hacks like Dana Milbank get a free pass to attack the administration on behalf of the Democrats, in the guise of objective journalism?

I'll have to disagree with Hindrocket on taking such a confrontational strategy. Bush and the senior members of his administration speak volumes when they go to Brit Hume, or to Hugh Hewitt, instead of Time, Newsweek, et al. There's no need to get so directly confrontational with the rest; it risks getting the Spiro Agnew treatment, which hurts their cause whether they're correct or not. Rising above the petty fingerpointing will enhance Bush's prestige. Scott McClellan can handle the "why" questions when they occur.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 14, 2003 12:03 PM

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