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October 15, 2003
I Owe Ed Asner a Partial Apology

This demonstrates a problem with blogging -- when a source turns out to be incorrect, you wind up having to apologize to people you'd rather not. If you scroll to the bottom of Kevin McCullough's partial retraction, you'll see that Ed Asner was not expressing admiration for Stalin and was in fact quite open about putting him on the same plane as Hitler:

"Well, you know something, they've played Hitler, nobody has ever really touched Stalin, it just occurred to me. It's not because I am a liberal or anything like that. Stalin is one big damn mystery, I wonder why nobody has tried it? Many people, you know, speak of the fact that he killed more people than Hitler – why does nobody touch him? It's strange. So, and he was about my size, my height – with a wig I probably could do it."

In fact, in his way he asked the same question that the Reason article attempted to answer: why doesn't Hollywood cover Communist atrocities the same as Nazi atrocities? So for reposting McCullough's careless (in the extreme) errors, I apologize, Mr. Asner.

Note, though, that McCullough stands by his reporting of Ed Asner's comments about Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 15, 2003 12:43 PM

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