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October 21, 2003
Blogosphere to Islamofascists: Drop Dead

The Blogosphere's most prominent citizens are back on line after another DoS attack from Islamofascists.

The outage affected not just Power Line, but Hosting Matters and all of the web sites hosted by that company, a group that includes Insta Pundit, Little Green Footballs and many others. ... If Americans' news sources were limited to the network news and major daily newspapers, the Islamofascists would have a much better chance of winning the war. No doubt their first choice would be to blow up Fox News and various talk radio stations, but that is much more difficult than launching remote attacks on web sites from locations like Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. Hence their attacks on the blogosphere.

Power Line makes a good point about the value of the blogosphere, and why the Islamofascists target sites like Hosting Matters. I'd expand on Power Line and say that, based on the reporting I've seen so far from most of the traditional media, without the blogosphere we'd probably have already surrendered, since Americans would have no idea what's really happening.

Even beyond that, though, what the Islamofascists keep targeting is a fundamental part of the American and Western way of life: freedom of expression. The Blogosphere may be the greatest "marketplace of ideas" ever constructed, where people can expression their opinions, ideas, fears, hopes, and faith. People all over the world come to the Blogosphere to get entertained, informed, and inflamed. Nothing could be more dangerous to people who define freedom within the boundaries of their own strident and oppressive philosophy. It's no surprise that these modern fascists (who would love nothing better than a return to the fourteenth century) attack what they hate most and attempt to silence us.

So let's resolve to not stay silent.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 21, 2003 6:56 PM

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