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November 5, 2003
The DNC Discovers Humor

Power Line posts the DNC's response to the cancellation of the CBS miniseries about the Reagans:

"No, there are no First Amendment violations here. The RNC protested the content of a program, which is its right, and CBS voluntarily pulled that program off the air, which is its right.

"But the decision makes it very easy to imagine a future where representatives for the Bush administration have the power to disapprove of any content that touches politics, policy, or history — including news programs."

So what is the DNC saying? That the unfettered exercise of our rights will lead us to a dictatorship? Apparently the only way for America to remain a free society is if a certain segment of the population agrees to remain voiceless. Alternately, we can only remain free if broadcasters are not allowed to control the content of their broadcasts, but must air all material produced (by the politically correct people, of course). Or maybe the DNC suggests that dissent can only be exercised by people in Hollywood, San Francisco, or New York.

Nothing that has happened in this tempest in a teacup is scarier than the DNC's statement. This isn't a fringe group, for crying out loud, these people want to run our government! Either they're about to drive off a cliff in the next year, or centrist Democrats need to stage a palace coup and eject Terry McAuliffe. They have become delusional in their bitterness.

I love Hindrocket's comment:

Currently the "power to disapprove of any content that touches politics, policy, or history -- including news programs" is almost 100% in the hands of Democrats. Frankly, none of us is imaginative enough to picture a world in which the American media are controlled by conservatives.
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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 5, 2003 9:09 PM

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