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November 7, 2003
Josh Chafetz Wins the Day at Oxford

Josh Chafetz reprints his speech on OxBlog from the Oxford debate on the Iraq War, in which he participated yesterday:

I must begin with a word of apology for my lack of preparation. Not only was I just asked yesterday to speak, but I was also laboring under the apparent misapprehension that we would be addressing the resolution that "This House believes that we are losing the Peace." Yet I find that the honorable gentleman who has just spoken in the affirmative [Jeremy Corbyn, MP] has talked about the war - about Vietnam, oil, Mr. Bush, Mr. Blair, international law, weapons of mass destruction, sanctions, and so on. While these are all issues worthy of serious discussion, I must confess to being somewhat baffled at how these normative questions bear on the empirical resolution that I was told we were to debate.

Read the entire speech. It reminds us of what we have to accomplish as well as the victories of liberation we can already celebrate.

Oh, and PS: Josh won the debate. (via Instapundit)

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 7, 2003 9:49 AM

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