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Hindrocket returns from Britain with perspective on President Bush's visit and the protests that have ensued. Power Line posts Hindrocket's extensive post, which is definitely worth a read:
What was most striking to me was the utter lack of substance in most coverage of the visit. The focus was almost exclusively on the security precautions attending the trip, which were pretty universally frowned upon, and the demonstrations against President Bush, which were hoped-for, salivated over, and covered with gusto. No one spoiled the mood by reminding readers that these were the same tired demonstrations (and largely the same tired demonstrators) who have greeted past American presidents. The BBC, for the most part, disdained to cover the visit at all.
Hindrocket spent quite a bit of time in England and had a chance to look into the guiding spirits behind these tired, and oddly absent, demonstrators. Not surprisingly, some familiar faces appeared during his investigation:
It isn't hard to find out who the leaders of the anti-Bush demonstrations are; I picked up one of their leaflets on the street. It gave the URL for the "Stop the War Coalition" as http://www.stopwar.org.uk. ... In 2001 the Stop the War Coalition elected a Steering Committee which included such luminaries as Mohammed Aslam Aijaz of the London Council of Mosques and Saddam apologist Tariq Ali. ... But there's more: the Stop the War Coalition's Steering Committee includes George Galloway, who was thrown out of the Labour Party on suspicion--soon to be confirmed, I think--of being on Saddam's payroll; John Rees, long-time English Communist whose tracts on Marxism continue to be published for an ever-dwindling audience; Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, member of the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain, who considered Sept. 11 a "very positive [development], one that would allow the Muslim community to get out of their ghettos and play a role in mainstream politics, in this case a mass protest movement."
Read the entire post -- it is very, very illuminating. It seems to me that these people are an echo of the German-American Bund, who loudly demonstrated during the 30s to impress upon Americans the friendliness of the volk running the Fatherland at the time, and loudly claiming that a cabal of Jewish reactionaries were controlling FDR, pushing him into needless confrontation with those polite, friendly Germans who only wanted to return to prosperity and recover land and sovereignty stolen from them at Versailles. They also evoke the Communists of the same period, who spent the 30s extolling the Soviet Union as a worker's paradise while millions were starved, tortured, and imprisoned during Stalin's reign of terror. After the non-aggression pact, CPUSA demonstrated to keep America neutral; after Hitler double-crossed Stalin, CPUSA started screaming for American intervention.
So when we see protests like these, with idiots like these screaming insipid slogans like "Bush, Blair, CIA, How many kids did you kill today," it's crucial to know who funds these things, whose philosophy guides them, and their true intent. Like they did in France in 1939-40, these die-hard Stalinists and fascists are determined to grind down morale until the West shrugs its shoulders and abandons its positions on the wall. They wait for their chance to swarm over, kick us to the side of the road, and let a long, dark night of totalitarian rule fall over the Western world. They cannot win unless we refuse to fight; we cannot lose unless we first lose all hope.
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