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December 17, 2003
Light Blogging Today

I'm taking today off to spend a little bit of time with my granddaughter, the Little Admiral, before I go off to see The Return of the King with a couple of other goldbricking friends of mine. I may not get too much opportunity to blog today, especially during the day. In the meantime, may I suggest the following excellent sites for debate and entertainment?

Power Line
- Big Trunk writes about a shameful event in recent American history, and Hindrocket writes an addendum to the post with which I absolutely agree.

Strange Women Lying in Ponds - Brant writes about the twin religions of environmentalism and internationalism and how both have been removed from rational thought.

QandO - You can pick almost anything Jon writes, but take a look at today's post on Howard Dean.

Fraters Libertas - I meant to link to this yesterday and write some of my observations, but the Elder really says it all about entitlements. People tend to take that word very, very literally. Don't forget about the Swingin' Saddam contest, either.

Brainstorming - DC has a nice roundup of Iraqi blog reaction to Saddam's capture, and she is also asking for help with a tagline for her blog.

Politburo Diktat - Just because you must, or face the Glorious Revolutionary Truth Squads. Big Brother is watching, comrades.

Hugh Hewitt - This is just ... wrong. And oddly disturbing.

Demosophia - He adjusts his review of Angels in America upwards a notch or two but reflects on the almost-quaint nature of the miniseries' view of the Left.

The road goes ever on ...

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at December 17, 2003 8:48 AM

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