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December 24, 2003
Libyan Agreement vs The Carter Deal in North Korea

I wanted to write a brilliant column rebutting the buzz that Libya's deal was in essence no better than we had with North Korea in 1994 and would wind up being as large a failure as Carter's "trust us" capitulation proved. Even Frank Gaffney seemed pretty skeptical last night on Hugh Hewitt's show. However, before I had a chance to do my research [IOW, open up a can of Diet Rite Red Raspberry and opine madly], I found this brilliant post by Jon at QandO:

Needless to say, the Agreed Framework was not the success we'd hoped it would be. In the end, it amounted to a deal whereby our side agreed to provide North Korea with sizable concessions, while North Korea agreed to pretend they weren't working on a nuclear weapons program.

Fortunately, we appear to have learned from the Agreed Framework. The deal with Libya succeeds in exactly the places where the Agreed Framework proved a failure. I'll list each stipulation, problem, and fix.

Read the whole thing. And then have a Diet Rite Red Raspberry soda -- they're pretty damned good.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at December 24, 2003 8:40 AM

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