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January 3, 2004
Not Everyone Agrees With Me

What a shocker that headline is, eh? Jon at QandO wrote an excellent response on his blog to my analysis of the Republican ticket in 2004 and its impact on long-term strategy. He likes my analysis but disagrees with my conclusion that Condoleezza Rice will make the best VP candidate for Bush in 2004:

Here's where we'll part ways. I'd agree that it would be a strategic benefit in '08 to have a VP who can run for office. But I suspect it might be a strategic blunder to switch horses in mid-stream during the '04 election. One doesn't do that without drawing a great deal of negative attention...not the sort of thing that Presidential candidates like to do. More importantly, it just doesn't seem like Bush's style. He's a loyal and "stick to the plan" sort of fellow. I just don't see him abandoning a team member in a perceived strategic move. I could be wrong, but it just doesn't seem par for the Bush course.

Jon also feels that a strictly foreign-policy approach may not be a winner in 2008. He could very well be right, although he (unlike me) includes the disclaimer that he could very well be wrong. I'll have to remember to do that in the future. Make sure you read Jon's entire post, and while you're there, check out his entire blog, especially everything he writes on economics.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at January 3, 2004 7:42 AM

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