February 1, 2004

February Link Love

February, the month of love ... St. Valentine's Day, Cupid, and the like ... and so it's time to spread the link-love around the blogosphere a bit.

The Commissar has discovered a new initiative from the Left: a deck of cards with the 52 most dangerous bloggers. Captain's Quarters has been assigned the ten of diamonds (I would have expected the two of clubs, myself). Every card is a clickable link to a dangerous right-wing blogger. I may ask the Commissar to send me over the graphic for my card, and I'll include it on my blogroll. Comrade Commissar continues to outdo himself ...

Power Line has a great post on Churchill, one of my favorite historical figures as much for his failures as for his successes. Big Trunk notes the relationship between the BBC and Churchill and shows how the BBC has always taken the side of totalitarians in defense of the Left ...

Brant at Strange Women Lying In Ponds sparked a blogosphere controversy when he parsed Mel Gibson's remarks on the Holocaust. Specifically, he took issue with Gibson's subordinating the Holocaust with Stalin's systematic slaughter of millions for political purposes. "Atrocities happened" is a strangely passive way to affirm the historical fact of the Holocaust. After receiving a large amount of strong criticism, Brant replies here. Read both posts. At the very least, Mel Gibson strangely tried to split hairs when it wasn't necessary, unless he really doesn't believe that the Holocaust was an organized and purposeful attempt to eradicate Jews strictly for being Jewish. ...

The Sophorist links to an interesting study on homeschoolers and their academic achievements, community involvement, and overall satisfaction with life. None of this surprises me, but it's interesting to see it substantiated. Next, maybe someone will ask this question: why can't we get results like this from public schools? ...

DC from Brainstorming writes a great post about the (sob) Patriot Forum, including the fact that she missed seeing me there. She also mentions that she's applying for membership in the Northern Alliance and in the next post, DC shows that she takes immediate action on directions from the Lord High Commissioner. I think we need more women in the Alliance, myself ...

Speaking of Hugh Hewitt, Steve Gigl returns quickly from his self-imposed hiatus to blog about his meeting with Hugh and James Lileks at the Young Life fundraiser last Friday. Let's hope Steve's hiatus turns out to be short ...

King Banaian at SCSU scholars continues his series on the new academic standards for Minnesota high school graduation, specifically on social studies. You'll need to review the entire series to get a good grasp of the issue, but in this post King notes the misleading presentation, or at least its rationale, given by opponents of the new common-sense standards. King also notes their refusal to even consider the new standards. Typical bull-headedness from the NEA-affiliated Education Minnesota crowd; they're even griping about home-schoolers being overrepresented in the process ...

Patterico thinks that Justice Scalia should recuse himself from the case regarding the White House energy task force. I'm no lawyer, either, but I can see Patterico's point. Any real lawyers want to weigh in on this? ...

The good news: Electric Venom has found a new hosting service for Venomous Kate's expansion plans. The bad news: no Snark Hunt so far this weekend. Maybe tonight, if we're all lucky ...

Finally, Jay Reding reviews the "Bush Lied" meme and finds it lacking in substance. First off, you'd have to prove that Bush knew there weren't WMDs in Iraq while using them as a single casus belli (which he didn't, of course), meaning that he would have to disregard the data coming from the entire Western intelligence community. The closer you look at this meme, the more it falls apart.

More link-love later in the month ...


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