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February 9, 2004
Best Damn War Analogy, Period

I have to hand it to Jon at QandO. In response to Joseph Wilson's tired assertion that Bush opened up an "unnecessary second front" on the war on terror by invading Iraq, Jon uses this analogy:

You know, I once bought pesticide to deal with the fleas that had found my dog. I had two choices.

1: I could spray the entire can at the dog.
2: I could spray the dog...and other areas in which the fleas lived.

I guess I should have chosen the first. Instead I opened an "unnecessary second front" on the fleas. Worked, too, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence. Joseph Wilson kills every last flea on his dog, every time he sprays him down.

......which is about once every two weeks, since all the fleas just go elsewhere for a while.

Perhaps there's a parallel there, but let's not think about it too much.

Yeah. What he said.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 9, 2004 10:29 PM

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