Captain's Quarters Blog

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February 27, 2004
Add Captain's Quarters to My Yahoo!

Via Buzz Machine and Hoder, Yahoo now offers an RSS reader for members to display the latest headlines on their My Yahoo page. All that is required is a Yahoo membership (free) and an RSS feed from your favorite blogs. Users can set up the function to display up to 10 posts as far back as a week, and it will display either the headlines or an excerpt of each post, along with the timestamp of the last update.

How does this help you? For one thing, rather than loading up each blog individually, you can just check a single site to determine if anything has been updated. You can also check to see if you'd be interested in the new posts. If you're working with access restrictions, My Yahoo at least gives you an idea of what's going on with your favorite blogs.

I've already set my Yahoo membership to display Instapundit, Blogs for Bush, Power Line, Andrew Sullivan, and Captain's Quarters. The URL for my RSS feed is in the right column at the end of the links, if you'd like to do the same. Give it a whirl and see what you think.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 27, 2004 12:48 PM

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