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May 26, 2004
They're everywhere!

The AP reports Al Qaeda's ranks have multiplied, with 18,000 terrorists now operating in 60 countries. The International Institute of Strategic Studies has concluded:

"Al-Qaida is probably working on plans for major attacks on the United States and Europe, and it may be seeking weapons of mass destruction in its desire to inflict as many casualties as possible . . . "

I think we well aware of those facts.

Some of the report's other findings are questionable, to say the least. The ISS stated that the wars in Afganistan and Iraq have "benefitted" Al Qaeda by dispersing its members to other countries. For me, it's hard to see how removing two state sponsors could have "benefitted" our enemy.

The report also found that our efforts to defeat al-Qaida "might accelerate only if there are political developments that now seem elusive, such as the democratization of Iraq and the resolution of conflict in Israel."

The democratization of Iraq is certainly not elusive, but it will take time. Much like Rome, a Democratic Baghdad won't be built in a day and so forth. The only "resolution" of the conflict in Israel that will satisfy the Islamic fundamentalists will be the murder of every Jew in the Middle East. Then, the terrorists can focus their efforts on killing Jews in Europe and America and we'll finally get the much-wanted "peace in the Middle East."

The AP further reports:

"It could take up to 500,000 U.S. and allied troops to effectively police Iraq and restore political stability, IISS researcher Christopher Langton told the news conference. Such a figure appeared impossible to meet, given political disquiet in the United States and Britain and the unwillingness of other nations to send troops, he said."

Maybe our friends like South Korea, Japan, and Italy will help us! Oh, that's right, they already have troops there. Next time, I suggest the ISS actually conduct research before they issue a report.

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Posted by Whiskey at May 26, 2004 3:53 AM

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