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June 6, 2004
Gore Continues His Self-Immolation

Al Gore lashed out at a fellow Democrat earlier today for not enthusiastically supporting his attempt to steal the Florida election. Gore, campaigning for Senate candidate and current Congressman Peter Deutsch in Florida, told the Miami Herald that Deutsch's opponent in the primary was the "single most treacherous and dishonest person" involved in the 2000 campaign:

Al Gore harshly criticized U.S. Senate candidate Alex Penelas, saying his fellow Democrat was "the single most treacherous and dishonest person" he dealt with during the disputed 2000 presidential campaign. ...

"One of the other candidates in this race became in 2000 the single most treacherous and dishonest person I dealt with during the campaign anywhere in America," Gore told the newspaper after praising Penelas' opponent, U.S. Rep. Peter Deutsch.

Penelas is not mentioned by name in the statement. But a Gore aide confirmed Sunday he was not referring to former state education commissioner Betty Castor, considered the only other viable Democratic candidate.

Alex Panelas is the mayor of Miami-Dade County and helped Gore win the county in 2000 despite its slight Republican tilt. However, apparently Panelas failed to cheerlead sufficiently for Al Gore -- even though Gore decided to win the election by filing lawsuits, a strategy that needed lawyers rather than mayors. Panelas shot back at Gore:

"I've been a faithful and loyal Democrat for many years. ... I was proud to support Gore," he told The Associated Press. "We delivered Miami-Dade for Al Gore."

Penelas added that if Gore had won his home state of Tennessee, he would be in the White House.

Gore has gone on quite a bender during this election cycle. First he stabs his former running mate, Joe Lieberman, in the back by endorsing Howard Dean. After Dean imploded, Gore apparently lost what was left of his mind. He associated himself with what may be, if the critics are correct, the biggest unintentional comedy since Battlefield Earth in The Day After Tomorrow. Immediately afterwards, he gave another in a series of screaming speeches designed to appeal to the leftist lunatic fringe, demanding resignations from half of the Cabinet.

Now he has gone nuclear, attacking a Democrat for personally betraying him even though Panelas could have had no effect on the outcome of Gore's attempted hijacking of Florida's vote. It's an indication of the corrosion of Al Gore, who has become a pitiful shadow of the man who came within 600 votes of the Presidency. Gore has turned that sliver-close vote, verified by three separate recounts and an independent media investigation, into a world-class conspiracy of destruction aimed at him personally. For four years, he dragged the Democrats into his psychosis. Now that he's accusing Democrats of being in on the plot, especially one who could deliver the 2004 election for Democrats in another razor-thin contest, perhaps the national party will finally divorce itself from the madness of Prince Albert and put him, and the 2000 election, in the can once and for all.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 6, 2004 11:35 PM

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