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June 16, 2004
Forget-Me-Nots For The Commissar

The Commissar at the Politburo Diktat just received a bit of bad news from his hosting service -- they apparently dislike the Movable Type system and now want to hike his rates to keep his sites going:

The Commissar has become embroiled in Revolutionary Struggle with his hosting company, Lunarpages. Greedy Capitalist Lunarpages host now want to charge $40 per month.

In a sudden, emergency action yesterday, they moved me from one server to another and seem to have lost several hours worth of updates and Comments. (In response to Comments, I had done some nifty updates to the 'Forget the Swoosh' piece. Gone for now.)

The Commissar is looking into a new hosting service, including CQ's provider Hosting Matters. He's keeping the domain name but may have the site down for short periods of time while deciding and/or moving, so don't get discouraged if you see a 404 once or twice. The issue also affects the great oil-for-food scandal blog Friends of Saddam, the one-stop shop for updates on UNSCAM. Don't drop either from your blogroll, and if I get any updates from the Commissar, I'll be sure to pass them along.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 16, 2004 1:28 PM

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