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June 17, 2004
A Slip Of The Tongue

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports this morning on a St. Paul kiss that went way, way out of control:

Passion turned to agony early Wednesday morning when a 43-year-old St. Paul woman locked in a kiss with her boyfriend bit off an inch and a half of the man's tongue, according to police.

The woman, who told police that she has been victimized by men in the past, said she became frightened when her 47-year-old boyfriend squeezed her too tightly as they were kissing at her home in St. Paul. "I guess I bit down too hard," police said the woman told them after the incident.

The boyfriend told police that the couple had been arguing and were making up when he was bitten.

The Strib declined to identify the assailant, even though they routinely identify male assault suspects. I assume the reluctance springs from the woman's apparent defense strategy of claiming that men "victimized" her in her past, making her some sort of tragic heroine suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome triggered by an enthusiastic hug. Of course, the article mentions only later that she had been drinking before attacking her boyfriend.

The boyfriend was treated at a local hospital and released, without the missing tip. Police later went back to her apartment hoping to find the piece of the man's tongue, but she apparently swallowed it.

Anyone want a date with the Vampira of St. Paul? I understand she's available. Perhaps someone could convince her to grab a bite to eat ...

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 17, 2004 7:28 AM

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