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The AP notes that the John Kerry campaign will return to its most successful campaign strategy this week, although only briefly:
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry is taking a two-day break from campaigning and will spend the time at his wife's country estate preparing for his party's national convention next month.
Kidding aside, the AP also notes that Kerry met with "potential running mate" Gov. Janet Napolitano from Arizona, who introduced him to the National Council of La Raza, a mainstream Latino interest group. I confess I haven't heard much about Napolitano as a running mate, but that choice makes more sense, at least superficially, than John Edwards and could be far more damaging to the Republicans. NCLR shows no information on Napolitano -- one would presume a Latino governor would get at least a mention on their website, so I'd presume Napolitano is Italian rather than Hispanic.
Napolitano has been Attorney General in Arizona and won the Governor's office in 2002. She ran on a platform that ruled out tax increases, supported environmental issues, full-time preschool and kindergarten -- in short, a moderate. Reading her biography, it also appears she's unmarried, which may dent her positives just a bit. However, the selection of a female sitting governor from a battleground state may be better than adding another senator, and an inexperienced one at that, from a state Bush likely wins either way.
Unfortunately, her old campaign web site, gojanet.org, now hosts a penis-enlargement advertisement, which demonstrates that she still has a bit more to learn about campaigning. (Rule #1 for political campaigns: never let go of your domain names.)
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