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July 4, 2004
Where Freedom Can't Be Taken For Granted

The London Guardian reports on a story that Americans should be reading on Independence Day, to remind us that the job isn't over in Afghanistan yet and that the freedoms we take for granted can still be denied to others who crave it:

Mahadad was resting on a cushion in her sitting room, with a thick bandage covering the burns on her legs. "I'm never going back," she said. "Look at my leg. How can I go back? In my heart, I never want to go again."

Mahadad, 38, is one of the 12 survivors of last week's bomb attack by Taliban on a bus that was carrying women election workers and a child near Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. Two of the women and the child were killed in the explosion.

They had been on their way to a registration site to hand out identification cards to women which would allow them to vote in the coming autumn elections. Despite the Taliban claiming responsibility, questions are still being asked about how such an atrocity could have happened.

If you think this can only happen in Southwest Asia, then you have not been paying attention to the attacks that these same Islamofascist terrorists have conducted in places like Spain and France, and in the US as well. What do you suppose the purpose of those attacks are? They intend on frightening entire civilizations into knuckling under to Shari'a the same way they've terrorized Mahadad into silence. While people continue to shriek about how a little criticism somehow equates to Naziism, these terrorists are busy spreading true fascism and oppression.

Today would be a good day to remember that.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at July 4, 2004 9:16 AM

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