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July 12, 2004
Stefan who?

The AP jubilantly reports that key conservatives have become critical of the Bush administration. Reading the article, one learns that it is really only one “conservative” who has joined the Bush bash, some former bureaucrat named Stefan Halper who made a few “blistering” comments about the situation in Iraq in front of a crowd of 150 (150!) Washington insiders.

Lack of evidence doesn’t prevent the AP from smugly “reporting” that “anger is simmering among some conservatives.”

Who are these conservatives who are just smoldering with ABB anger? Well . . . . there is a Mr. Hutchinson from Sturgeon, MO, a retiree who might just not cast a vote come November. And wait . . . there’s another: a Mr. Walters from Columbia, MO who calls himself a “classical conservative” but hasn’t made his presidential pick. (BTW Mr. Walters served in Vietnam.) There you have them, two more “key” conservatives absolutely “simmering” with anger at our president. Or maybe not.

(I’m beginning to notice the AP uses an inventive form of journalism: you make up a topic, then call someone from a flyover state who really doesn’t support your argument but you quote them anyway. These guys actually get paid for doing this, whereas most of us bloggers toil away at our keyboards, searching the Internet for relevant facts, and provide this service at no cost . . . )

Oh, and don’t worry if you haven’t heard of Stefan Halper. Apparently he is another long-time bureaucrat who has served under just about everybody and has . . . . I hope you are sitting down when you read this . . . a new book! Mr. Halper’s chosen topic how neoconservatives have hijacked American policy, a stunningly original theme in this election season.

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Posted by Whiskey at July 12, 2004 5:11 AM

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