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July 19, 2004
Caption Contest Winners!

Well, folks, the butt-kissing is all over -- Chris at Candpeez has made his selections. He had one heck of a time getting through all of the excellent entries this weekend, but in the end he had to boil it down to just a few entries. Before we kiss this one goodbye, though, let's take a last look at the picture:

Not tonight, honey

Here are the winners!

Captain’s Award (French Kiss) The Charles M. Jones Memorial Award: Thief
[In the voice of Pepe Le Pew]

"Ah, my great bun-del of sweetness...(kiss kiss)...eet ees love, love, love at sight first, no eet ees not, yes? Ah...ZE MAD RUSH OF HOT BLOOD TO THE TEMPLES...(kiss kiss)...Ah, Golden girl, you are ze corn-beef to me, I am ze cab-baj...(kiss kiss kiss)... I like eet...

[Teresa escapes his embrace and runs]

"Come back, small one, come back! Ze corn-beef do not run away from ze cab-baj!"

You Have the Conn #1 (Lip Flop) - James:

There, just a little to the left, now you can talk out of both sides.

You Have the Conn #2 (That’s Frahnken-shteen!) - Chumley Wonderbar:
"Me like pretty girl... Me want kiss from soft pretty girl..."

You Have the Conn #3 (C’mere and give daddy some sugar!) - AH-C:
EEOC Speaker:
In this slide, we see the Kerrys demonstrate the classic "Boss steals a kiss from secretary" sexual harassment move.
Note: the death grip on the intended victim to draw her close and her strenuous but futile effort to resist.

And now in the next slide, they will demonstrate "Groping in the workplace"...
Posted by: AH-C at July 18, 2004 06:34 PM

Judge’s Special Mention (Peck on the Cheek) - First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence - CCWBass:
Epic in scale, chock-a-block with timely hilarity, and penned while paying invoices at work – TAKE A BOW, BROTHER! [you need to read the original entry in order to see this multi-stanza limerick-based poem ... and it's worth the time -- CE]

Report to Sickbay: It’s a tie! (Like kissing your sister)
The “We Were All Thinking It - They Posted It” Award! - TheMarkman:

"Not until you brush the smell of Kofi's ass out of your mouth!"
Posted by: themarkman at July 16, 2004 09:22 AM

Electoral Glossary Award - Rightwingduck:
I'm sorry darling. But tonight is not the night for your Big Bounce...

Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winners! Remember, here at CQ, everyone's a winner -- just some of us have higher winning percentages than others. Comments on this post will remain open, as usual, in order for the winners to gloat, the others to disparage Chris's intellect and/or my parentage, and for any other entries submitted just for the sheer enjoyment of amazing your friends and confounding your enemies.

Send me a photograph or an e-mail with a link to a great picture you think should be the subject of our next Caption Contest, and let me know if you'd like to be the guest judge! I'll have another picture for Friday -- so be sure to come back then for the next contest.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at July 19, 2004 12:04 PM

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