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August 14, 2004
Northern Alliance Radio Streaming Today!

Don't forget that the Northern Alliance Radio Network (including yours truly) will be live-streaming our radio show today from noon to 3 pm CT. The link to the stream is on the left sidebar of my blog as well as at the Northern Alliance link and at the website of our local Salem affiliate, AM 1280 The Patriot. The stream is sponsored by the Taxpayer's League of Minnesota, which also just became a CQ sponsor. TPM has its own show at 9 am CT on Saturdays, so be sure to get into the stream right now and listen for David Strom's excellent commentary.

I have a lot of e-mail off of the Alston stories that I will be weeding through in order to move the story forward later on today, hopefully. Keep checking back -- we have lots more information flowing in. I'm certain that we'll be talking Alston and Swiftboats for part of today's show, and I may have enough to have an update by then.

See you on the stream!

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 14, 2004 9:07 AM

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