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September 8, 2004
Bush-Hitler Comparison Endorsed By Minnesota Democrats

The Bush-Hitler comparisons just keep on coming from the Democrats, who not only have no sense of history but also a tin ear when it comes to attracting centrist voters. The Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, the state's Democratic Party franchise, offered bumper stickers to its faithful at their headquarters with the Nazi theme at the forefront:

A small stack of bumper stickers at the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party caught the eye of a Minnesota Republican Party official who had stopped by to deliver a letter.

"Bush/Cheney -- Most hated world leaders since Hitler," proclaimed the stickers, which also carried the name of a Web site,, according to the Associated Press.

The Democrats denied culpability, but the Republican National Committee issued a statement from Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.) saying, "Someone needs to tell John Kerry that this is not the way we do things in the American heartland."

After John Glenn's invocation of the Nazi theme last week, we can look forward to a political season full of goosestepping metaphors this fall, apparently, as the Democrats lose their minds and all of what's left of their credibility. What I like best about this story is that the DFL offered these bumper stickers at their own headquarters, and then denied that they had anything to do with them or their dissemination. It reminds me of the old joke about the husband caught in bed with his mistress, continuing to insist that nothing is amiss, telling his wife, "Who are you going to believe -- me or your lying eyes?"

Do the Democrats truly think we're that stupid, or do they just hope we are?

UPDATE: Actually, the stickers weren't at the DFL booth at the fair - they were at their headquarters, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune (I've corrected the text above):

Minnesota Republicans have accused DFLers of handing out a bumper sticker from DFL Party headquarters on Tuesday that compares President Bush to Adolf Hitler -- a charge DFLers are denying.

Randy Wanke, communications director for the state Republican Party, said Wednesday that a Republican volunteer walked into DFL Party headquarters on Tuesday afternoon and spied a small stack of bumper stickers that said, "Bush/Cheney -- Most hated world leaders since Hitler." A short time later, he said, the volunteer returned and didn't see the stickers anymore, but requested and was given a single sticker.

Tonya Tennessen, the DFL Party's managing communications director, said Wednesday that about 10 such stickers arrived in the mail from "an organization I've never heard of," called The stickers sat on a receptionist's desk "for about two hours until I removed them," Tennessen said. "These are not something we were or are distributing."

Well, not any more, apparently...

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 8, 2004 10:43 PM

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