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September 17, 2004
Hospiblogging, Part XXVII

The First Mate has another procedure to endure today, a rather routine event in the CQ household these days. I've pirated a wireless connection and working on a few blog details while keeping an eye on the e-mail.

I have a great story to tell you about the First Mate. One of our running arguments, as is the case with so many other couples, is about the climate of the house. My wife has a very narrow degree of comfort, as it turns out, which can be a problem in Minnesota. She gets cold when the indoor temperature falls below 72, and warm when it rises above 74 -- about which I tease her unmercifully. For my part, as long as frost isn't forming on the bannister and the plumbing doesn't sweat with condensation, I'm happy.

This morning, she told me it was too cold in the house, so I checked the thermostat; sure enough, it was 72 degrees. Now, my wife is convinced that I have painted this number on the digital readout or somehow have hacked the computer chip so that it always reads 72. All morning long, we have been teasing each other about the weather and the temperature and having way too much fun for people in the hospital. We've had the nurses laughing all morning about this (and taking her side, natch), even when she went down to Radiology for the procedure.

Once we were in the room, which actually was a bit chilly, we continued to banter back and forth about this. I also noticed that the staff had some pretty good 60's music on the stereo (which they always have going during their procedures). After a few minutes, I realized what album was playing on the CD:

The soundtrack to the movie, The Big Chill.

I'm still laughing my tucchus off in the lobby, let me tell you.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 17, 2004 10:39 AM

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