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September 22, 2004
CQ Blog Updates

A random collection of updates that don't rise to the level of separate posts ...

First, I'd like to announce that I've been added to the distinguished list of contributors to Jewish World Review. This website features some of the best punditry in the world, all collected in one spot for your easy review. My initial entry can be found here, published under my own name. CQ readers will recognize it as the post which the New York Sun reprinted last month. It's my honor and pleasure to be included among such luminaries as Dennis Prager, George Will, Mona Charen, Deborah Saunders -- check the site out for yourself to see the all-star lineup they have.

Speaking of the Sun, I'm working on a special assignment for their opinion section. I'm holding back the finished product until it's published, but it has to do with stem-cell research and the Kerry campaign. If you don't subscribe to the Sun, you should consider doing so. They support bloggers; its founder and managing editor, Ira Stoll, ran the Gray Lady watchdog site Smarter Times, a blog which pioneered the media-watch approach best typified by Patterico these days. Their encouragement of my work shows their commitment to new media. Besides, their writing is excellent and their coverage is global.

Typekey: I get several e-mails a day asking about Typekey and issues with the login process. Unfortunately, I don't have much more insight into the process than anyone else. I have well over 200 qualified Typekey commenters in the system, so I know that it works on my end. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the porno spammers and the trolls made it impossible for me to leave comments wide open and I don't have enough time in the day to moderate the discussions here. It's either Typekey or no comments at all.

Lastly, I hope everyone's had a chance to read Whiskey's latest posts -- she's back and as her first two efforts show, she's better than ever!

UPDATE: CQ has been selected as Bithead's Blog of the Week. Thanks, Bit!

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 22, 2004 7:10 AM

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