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October 25, 2004
Caption Contest Winners!

The Elder has finished an extensive review of the huge number of entries we had in the Captain's Caption Contest, and he's selected the winners. It took him quite a while, allowing all of the great selections to bounce around his head so he could pick the cream of the crop. I'd bet The Elder may have had an expression on his face like this:


On second thought, I doubt that The Elder looked much like this. For one thing, his Botox specialist does a much better job than John Kerry's ...

Here are the winners!

Captain's Award (Flights Of Fancy, Part XXXVII) - Stephen Macklin:

I learned how to do this while I was playing on the 1978 U.S. World Cup Team. We could have made the finals that year but I had to take time off to train for the marathon.

You Have The Conn #1 (Sex Education, Kerry Style) - LRFD:

John Kerry, Presidential candidate of the Communist Soccer Girl Party, shows his "O-face" to amused supporters.

You Have The Conn #2 (History Lesson) - New Manifesto:

"Watch as I decisively head this ball in a fashion reminischent of Genghis Khan"

You Have The Conn #3 (I'm So Confused) - Charles Austin:

"This is how I taught Manny Ortez to hit the ball."

Report to Sick Bay (He Had Us At Bonjour) - RightWingDuck:

Kerry and Politics. It's all about taking balls to the face... and wiping the chin afterwards.

The David Strom Short-But-Sweet Award - Infidel:


Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winners! Remember, here at CQ, everyone's a winner -- just some of us have higher winning percentages than others. Comments on this post will remain open, as usual, in order for the winners to gloat, the others to disparage The Elder's intellect and/or my parentage, and for any other entries submitted just for the sheer enjoyment of amazing your friends and confounding your enemies.

Send me a photograph or an e-mail with a link to a great picture you think should be the subject of our next Caption Contest, and let me know if you'd like to be the guest judge!

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 25, 2004 5:56 AM

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