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October 27, 2004
Coming Later Tonight: Interview With "MIke"

Over the past two weeks, I posted a five-part series of letters from my friend "Mike", a Navy SEAL and private contractor who served in both capacities in Iraq, to his young sons. I spoke at length with Mike during two interviews (one of which was on our Northern Alliance radio show), and Mike gave a fascinating look into his experiences in Iraq and what they taught him about the war on terror and Iraq's liberation. Mike spent the better part of two years there, and here's an example of what's coming up:

For the last year, I was a contractor in Iraq, and my role was to be a “shooter” or security guy, along with being a primary medic. I frequently would be the only medic for about a hundred people, most of which were Iraqis who were injured or severely sick. Our project was captured enemy ammunition. Our job, the Captured Enemy Ammunition Project – which is still going on today, it’s not classified – is very underreported in the left-wing press because it’s an example of something that’s going very well over there and it absolutely needs to be finished before we leave. It won’t be done for another two years, I’m guessing, at the very least. When I first got over there, a year ago September, there was an estimated two million tons of captured enemy ammunition.

I'm spending the evening transcribing the two interviews and piecing them together into a coherent narrative. As you can read from that short excerpt, his experiences have special significance given the news this week from Al Qaqaa and the Kerry campaign's response to the NYT/CBS hit piece. Check back later as I will post this before midnight.

UPDATE: This should be coming in the next hour (before midnight CT), but I will probably post it in sections as it's rather long.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 27, 2004 7:45 PM

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