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October 30, 2004
Minnesota Democrats Get Desperate -- And Disgusting

A group of Democrats in Minnesota have launched a new television ad now showing on our local ABC affiliate that uses an old Osama bin Laden tape to attack George Bush. The group,, explains itself thusly:

A few weeks ago, with the Swift Boat nonsense all over the news (and that which pretends to be news), several South Minneapolis neighbors got together and said, "Hey, why can't we do that?"—except on the other side.

So, gathered around a patio table with coffee and muffins, we formed a 527 group called, then produced a 30-second spot, which we hope to start airing soon. We've already had coverage in the local and national press.

Our intent is to scrounge enough money to actually get the thing on TV a few times and make enough noise to—perhaps—help tip the election in our favor.

Okay -- so putting words in Osama's mouth praising George Bush and doctoring the video so that one of the terrorists holds a Bush-Cheney campaign sign somehow equates to 250 of our veterans speaking out against John Kerry? These people forgot that Bush is their opponent, while the people in the video are our enemy. They're certainly free to use bin Laden as their spokesman to attempt to discredit George Bush in the most disgustingly cynical and juvenile manner I've yet seen in this campaign -- but it practically screams out the desperation the Minnesota Left increasingly experiences as they see the North Star state slipping away from their grasp.

Who are the malevolent midschoolers behind They lacked the courage to identify themselves at their website, but they have some major money behind them if they're purchasing ad time on KSTP. Minnesotans should ask themselves where the funding originated and who in our state would be immature enough to stick a Bush/Cheney sign in an al-Qaeda promotional tape. It's yet another reason to make sure that the Democrats are kept from leadership positions in Minnesota and nationwide.

You can view their TV ad at their website. You decide whether you want people like these in charge.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 30, 2004 2:17 PM

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