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Well, this is rather pathetic. The Daily Kos can't be satisfied with acquiring one of the largest readerships in the blogosphere; they now have to make sure that no one with whom they disagree can conduct a fun contest without ruining it for everyone. Charles at LGF discovered the Kos post that instructs its readers how to write a program that bypasses the reasonable controls that Wizbang's Kevin Aylward implemented to restrict voters to one vote per day per computer, and Kos readers have reacted enthusiastically. They openly brag about their little fraud, congratulating each other for cheating and blaming Kevin Aylward for not making his site more secure.
Let's not just chalk this up to blogosphere immaturity, which undeniably exists on both sides of the blogosphere. Markos Moulitsas (Daily Kos' proprietor) is an important fundraiser for the Democratic Party, one of the mid-level movers that got a lot of work in front of the cameras during this last campaign. Moulitsas certainly participated in the Democrats' whining about the supposedly "stolen election" in Florida often enough. Now, this Democratic Party operative is openly encouraging voter fraud for a simple web award that carries no other reward than honor -- a prize that will escape The Daily Kos no matter how many votes they manufacture in this contest.
It's the equivalent of bringing a marked deck to a poker game with matchsticks for stakes. It reveals Moulitsas' character more than anything he writes for his site. Isn't it odd that the same people who claim that Republicans and conservatives spend their time ginning up new and creative ways to cheat in elections have no qualms about screwing Kevin out of an opportunity to do something fun for the entire blogosphere? If not odd, their ease and pride in cheating is certainly instructive.
My friend Rocket Man at Power Line puts it exactly right. Both Rocket and I spent a week with Kevin at the Republican Convention and saw how much effort and pride he puts into his work. It's sad and pathetic that the Kos community takes such delight in pissing on the manger, so to speak, so that no one can enjoy the contest in quite the same way again.
In fact, it's not sad and pathetic ... the people who endorse, commit, or cheer this puerile and meanspirited activity are sad and pathetic. They should be ashamed of themselves.
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» Leftists Stealing Votes That Don't (Really) Count? from Young Pundit
In a matter of only hours, two left wing blogs - Kos and Atrios - went from the bottom of the pack of blogs and suddenly pulled ahead by a pretty fat margin in the Best Overall Blog category in the Wizbang Weblog Awards. I have a deep suspicion that ... [Read More]
Tracked on December 5, 2004 12:03 AM
» Hack the vote from This isn’t writing, it’s typing.
Well, you knew it had to happen. The Daily Kos crowd has brought a little taste of Ukraine to Wizbang's 2004 Weblog Awards. Seeing that their nominees for Best Overall Blog were trailing late today, the liberal netizens decided to use some of the skil... [Read More]
Tracked on December 5, 2004 12:34 AM
» Kos Poster: Cheating At Elections Is Fun from Let's Try Freedom
A poster at the Daily Kos has put up a post detailing how to overcome the security of the 2004 Weblog awards site and submit illegitimate votes. PowerLine and Captain's Quarters have the news and are appropriately disgusted.
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Tracked on December 5, 2004 1:21 AM
» Cheating Cheaters from Speed of Thought...
So the left is doing what they do, cheating. It is so sad...
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Tracked on December 5, 2004 6:17 AM
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