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CTV announced the results of a new Ipsos poll this evening, taken after the release of Jean Brault's previously-embargoed testimony, which shows the Liberals trailing the Tories nationally for the first time in years. Martin's Liberals have dropped to 27%, falling another 10 points since the last Ipsos poll:
The flames of political discontent from the sponsorship scandal are scorching the Liberals, and now a new poll shows the party's national support falling to 27 per cent.That represents a 10 percentage-point drop in the past two months, according to an Ipsos-Reid poll conducted for CTV and The Globe and Mail.
The Conservatives are up to 30 per cent, a four-point rise. The NDP are at 19 per cent. ...
Ominously, 45 per cent of Canadians say the Liberal government of Prime Minister Paul Martin has lost its "moral right" to govern.
The poll is just the latest development in five days of hell for the Liberals, who have been seen their numbers sag in other polls, are under constant Gomery-fueled attack by the opposition -- and are now hearing stories that some of their caucus members are considering defecting.
The Liberals "are not just panicked, they're freaking out," said Bob Fife, CTV's Ottawa bureau chief.
The Conservatives have steadfastly held off on calling for a no-confidence vote, preferring to allow events to run their course before triggering a new election. With more explosive testimony expected at the Gomery Inquiry and the resurfacing of the Earnscliffe allegations, the Tories may believe that a perfect political storm has yet to completely coalesce. Like any other gamble, don't expect the players to change strategy until their run ends.
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» When to Go? from Fighting On the Beaches
With the release of two polls both showing the Liberal Party support in free-fall there seems to be increasing reason for Stephen Harper to go to the public in an election. [Read More]
Tracked on April 12, 2005 2:10 AM
» Canada: Nation In Crisis. from WILLisms.com
Canada's Liberal Party is sinking faster than Wesley Clark's Presidential campaign did. Well, maybe that's overstating it, but the Canadian Liberals are in real trouble, according to a new poll: Here are the figures for all five major parties (February... [Read More]
Tracked on April 12, 2005 7:20 AM
» Meltdown from hubs and spokes
Things aren't looking good for the Liberal party in Canada as a result of the Adscam inquiry. It's fun to watch! Captain Ed has the whole story.... [Read More]
Tracked on April 12, 2005 7:46 AM
» More Decay in the North from The Key Monk
Martin had his "I am not a crook"/"no controlling legal authority" moment as he claimed he retained the "moral authority" to govern.
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Tracked on April 12, 2005 10:17 AM


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