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As if the constant retreat on judicial nominations didn't demonstrate the lack of effective GOP leadership in the Senate clearly enough, today's embarassment at the Foreign Relations Committee certainly underscored the fecklessness of the Republicans in garnering effective support for the President's agenda and nominees. Today's victim left twisting in the wind was played by John Bolton, and the role of Brutus was filled by George Voinovich (R-OH):
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee delayed a scheduled vote Tuesday on President Bush's pick for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations when a Republican member balked at voting during a contentious hearing.Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, the committee's Republican chairman, had pushed for a vote on John Bolton's nomination Tuesday afternoon.
That plan was derailed after a member of the panel's Republican majority joined Democrats in seeking a delay so the committee could consider new allegations about Bolton's conduct. "I've heard enough today that I don't feel comfortable about voting for Mr. Bolton," said Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio.
Voinovich may have played Brutus in this little drama, but the author of the play is Bill Frist. How difficult can the Republicans make the confirmation process? Frist knew that Bolton would get heavily scrutinized, and this shows that either the GOP leadership failed to properly prepare even the committee members for the predictable attacks of the Democrats or did not inform the White House of the lack of will that would be shown Bolton by FRC Republicans.
Don't get me wrong. Bolton makes an excellent candidate for a sick and dysfunctional United Nations. Turtle Bay does not need another milquetoast diplomat uttering soothing, why-can't-we-just-get-along cliches and excusing the corruption and incompetence of the Annan regime. The UN badly needs immediate reform, and it will only get it if Western nations start sending no-nonsense, tough-minded and tough-mouthed representatives to the UN like John Bolton.
Frist should have ensured that the Republican FRC members knew this, and also knew the slime that Democrats would throw to resist Bolton's candidacy. That's part of the leadership's responsibilities, as well as preparing for waverers and keeping them in line. Frist managed to keep Chafee from flopping, but apparently no one checked in with Voinovich. He didn't check in with Chuck Hagel either, who told reporters that he might not vote for Bolton once he gets to the full Senate.
Ohio Republicans should send a message to Voinovich to get him back on board to approve Bolton's nomination. The rest of the party should ask themselves if this Senate majority has any hope of keeping the caucus in line, or if Frist plans on continuing to make Harry Reid look like a political genius.
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» Someone didn't get their back scratched and now Re from The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill
Just when things started really looking bad the confirmation process went sour and things that were bad already took a turn for the worse. Exactly who was supposed to check to make sure the votes were there to get Bolton out of Committee? Is the Pres... [Read More]
Tracked on April 20, 2005 12:09 AM
» Submitted for Your Approval from Watcher of Weasels
First off... any spambots reading this should immediately go here, here, here, and here. Die spambots, die! And now... here are all the links submitted by members of the Watcher's Council for this week's vote. Council link... [Read More]
Tracked on April 20, 2005 3:12 AM
» Who HAS the majority? from The Loudest Cricket
When will Republicans learn they have majority control over the Senate? As many people have noted, while it looked like the Bolton nomination was a done deal, the Republicans were able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by... [Read More]
Tracked on April 20, 2005 9:18 AM
» Supporting John Bolton is just stupid from Blind Mind's Eye
Normally when you want to insert a wolf into a flock of sheep, you disguise it as a sheep lest they get any ideas that there is a predator in their midst. George W. Bush in his infinite wisdom saw fit to not take the time to cover the wolf in sheep's c... [Read More]
Tracked on April 20, 2005 10:53 AM
» Senator George V. Voinovich Defects to Dems on Bolton from Threshold Negative 55 - The Action Potential of Rational Thought
Our Republican leaders fail us again as they hand the democrats yet another public relations coup! [Read More]
Tracked on April 20, 2005 11:56 AM
» The Council Has Spoken! from Watcher of Weasels
First off... any spambots reading this should immediately go here, here, here, and here. Die spambots, die! And now... the winning entries in the Watcher's Council vote for this week are Founding Brother by Right Wing Nut ... [Read More]
Tracked on April 22, 2005 2:47 AM


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