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May 29, 2005
An Unusual Bleg

I have a favor to ask of CQ readers in my area, and it may sound unusual at first...

I've been approached by a top-notch representative of public speakers to develop my efforts here into a speaking tour. This service represents some of the finest conservative speakers; while I don't want to get into the specifics, you can trust me that it's a good opportunity to expand my audience and the reach of CQ. If successful, it could eventually lead to the possibility of becoming a full-time, self-sustaining blogger -- something akin to Pinocchio becoming a real boy.

In order to work on marketing this possibility, I need to find a public speaking opportunity fairly soon that I can videotape and use to demonstrate my skills (or expose my lack thereof, I suppose). I plan on writing a few different speeches, but the focus of my first would be the New Media and its implications for politics and culture. I need a venue to deliver the speech and an audience, sans rotten fruit, for genuine reaction and interaction. My friends and associates already have worked on this, but so far we haven't found the right combination.

If CQ readers within reach of the Twin Cities have an upcoming event which I could help promote and that would benefit from my appearance, please e-mail me and let me know. I even promise not to wear the Notre Dame jersey and captain's hat.

ADDENDUM: I want to thank the people who have hit the tipjar on the site of late. I don't usually mention it, but those donations really do help me keep the site going.

UPDATE: A few questions from e-mail:

How big an audience do you need?

Not big, just enough to register a reaction on the video.

What kind of audience? Would students work? (God knows we can always use some guest speakers, particularly conservative ones.)

Sure! I'd love speaking with students. Hopefully, the topic and the speaking style will keep them engaged.

How much feedback?

It depends ... uproarious enthusiasm = as much as I can get. Scorn = as little as possible. Seriously, I'd probably like an interactive Q&A to go along with this, so I'm hoping for an audience that will get involved in the discussion, pro and con.

And importantly, what’s the topic of the talk?

New Media and its impact, although I'd be open to other topics.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at May 29, 2005 2:35 PM

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