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July 12, 2005
Dafydd: Bride of "If It's Rove"...

I have received a reprieve from the governor, just as some clod in a mismatched gray jacket and Navy-blue trousers was throwing the switch. I may post a few more. And I have one here that....

But wait --

No, really; you'd better be sitting down for this. Seriously, I don't want to shock your system. Think of me as William Castle: there's a nurse standing by with a blood-pressure machine, checking to make sure you're medically fit to read this next post.

Okay, you in the red pullover! Take a hike! I can recognize a weak heart when I see one.

Here we go: it turns out that... the Democrats lied!

Here is Harry Reid today. Don't tell me he didn't say this; I saw him on video on Brit Hume, and I just had to back up the DVR and get it down exactly, because I could not believe my pointy ears.

The White House promised that if anyone was involved in the Valerie Plame affair, they would no longer be in this administration, his administration. I trust they will follow-through on this pledge.

-- Sen. Harry Reid (D-Flamingo Hotel & Casino), June 11th, 2005

Uh... is that what "the White House" promised? And how does a big building make promises in the first place?

The Democrats have been flogging this promise to fire anyone who was even remotely or tangentially connected to any affairs Valerie Plame may have had in order to demand the summary discharge and frog-marching of Karl Rove into the nearest calabooza. Heck, if a president can't keep his word about such a momentous and heinous enormity, what can we trust him with?

But literally seconds before, Fox News Channel had helpfully provided me with more video, this time of the most recent occupant of that talking building, George W. Bush. This is what I saw and heard him say with my own eyes and ears, respectively:

If there’s a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. And if a person has violated the law, the person will be taken care of.

-- George Walker Bush (president-entire country), September 30th, 2003

Now, I hasten to remind you that I'm not a lawyer. And I don't like to make a judgment before all the facts are in. But it certainly does begin to seem as if Sen. Reid has exceeded his authority.

Oh well. I'm sure we'll imminently have an explanation of the discrepency between what Bush said and what Reid said Bush said; perhaps just as soon as we finish the debate on the intense similarities between Gitmo and Buchenwald.

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Posted by Dafydd at July 12, 2005 4:06 AM

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