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December 28, 2005
The Mounties Ride To The Rescue

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada's federal police force, has announced this evening that it will open an investigation into allegations of insider trading surrounding Finance Minister Ralph Goodale and the Liberal Party:

The RCMP is conducting a criminal investigation into an alleged leak from the federal Liberal government of an announcement on income trust taxation rules.

"There's sufficient information for us to launch a criminal investigation,'' said RCMP Sgt. Nathalie Deschenes told The Canadian Press on Wednesday.

She wouldn't comment further, except to say the investigation will determine if there's enough evidence to warrant charges and that the Mounties aren't sure how long the case would take.

The NDP insisted on serving a complaint to the RCMP, and the Conservatives have also filed a complaint with the Ontario Securities Commission. The RCMP replied directly to the NDP complainant, MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis. The NDP also has demanded the suspension of Goodale until an independent review by either the RCMP or the OSC gets completed, which the Liberals will likely reject.

This makes yet another financial scandal for the Liberals and Paul Martin to explain during their election bid. It will complicate the efforts of Martin to push scandal fatigue and try to paint Tory leader Stephen Harper as a shadowy figure with a "hidden agenda". Right now, the Liberal agenda appears only too clear -- to score as much cash as possible while holding onto its grip on power.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at December 28, 2005 7:31 PM

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