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The AP notes with an overindulgence of respect the continuing efforts of John Kerry to run for president -- in any election that will tolerate him:
It's almost as if Sen. John Kerry never stopped running for president. He still jets across the country, raising millions of dollars and rallying Democrats. He still stalks the TV news show circuit, scolding President Bush at every turn.His campaign Web site boasts of an online army of 3 million supporters.
The Massachusetts Democrat, defeated by Bush in 2004, insists it is far too early to talk about the 2008 race, but some analysts assume he has already positioning himself for another shot at the White House.
He still appears on national TV, but he still talks in the same lawyerly, noncommittal way about his own policies -- a habit that lost him the 2004 election. Kerry still hasn't formulated a coherent war policy, despite having over two years to do so now. He might increase troop strength, or he might start withdrawing troops. At one point, he proposed doing both, and so on. Blah, blah, blah.
The army of 3 million supporters? That's his e-mail list from 2004, a fact that the AP neglects to explain. Most of those will support whoever wins the Democratic primary; most have no particular attachment to John Kerry.
He still hasn't explained to those supporters and his fellow Democrats why he wound up the campaign with $15 million still left in the war chest. He still hasn't explained how he managed to lose to the most polarizing figure in politics, one that Democrats assumed would easily get defeated through the fanning of irrational Bush-hatred that energizes their own party. Until Kerry can give clear and precise answers on what changes he can make to turn himself into a winner and to overcome the negatives that emerged during his presidential campaign, the Democrats will stick with Hillary or perhaps Mark Warner.
Kerry can run all he wants. The Democrats will not provide a finish line for his lonely race.
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