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We got a visit from Operation Outcry, which represents 1900 women who have come forward after having had an abortion and regretted it afterwards. They have arrived at the Capitol to support Alito and other jurists that rule on law instead of policy. They don't base their support on any presumed promise of Alito overturning Roe, but just their belief that he will rule on Constitutional issues on the basis of the law.
Julie Thomas, Georgia - National Leader: spoke about her personal experience with abortion and how it impacted her family life. She says that women are deceived into having abortions by the demeaning of the foetus as something other than human, and tell them that it won't have any emotional impact on their lives. She says that their guilt drives them to destructive behavior later in life as they run away from their pain and shame.
Mark Noonan noted that it's difficult for a man to debate abortion. Anne Newman talks about a man who came to join them because his girlfriend had aborted their child, and then committed suicide. On the other hand, men will gladly counterdemonstrate against these women, shouting them down and calling them "sluts". She also notes that women don't necessarily choose freely to have an abortion, but come under tremendous pressure from husbands/boyfriends, family, and social contacts to get rid of the "problem" the easiest way they see.
They are expanding their organization to Europe and beyond. They want to stop the damage that abortions do. One woman talked about the missing grandchildren, nieces, nephews, that will never attend family functions; her abortions caused too much damage for her to have any children later in life.
If you've never heard of them before, it's because the media will often cover the event but then never publish the stories. It seems to me that any ideas about consensus on abortion, as The Nation supposes exists on its unfettered legalization, discounts the honest experiences of these women. Read their website and give them the respect of being heard.
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