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February 5, 2006
The Perfect Sponsor

Michelle Malkin notes that the left-wing protest group World Can't Wait, dedicated to the overthrow of the Bush administration, staged a demonstration yesterday in Washington, DC. She posts a picture of a protestor holding a sign that depicts a disembodied head of President Bush being held by a hand, blood spurting out of his severed neck, as a political statement (courtesy of Free Republic, which has more photos here). It's about as honest of a depiction of WCW that can be captured on film, especially the creepy smile on the signholder's face:


They differ only slightly from the Islamofascists that have burned down three embassies in protest of editorial cartoons originally published last year. They insist on political supremacy and call for the murder of those who oppose them, openly and gladly. It's small wonder that they cannot convince multitudes to join their protest, but even the 1,000 or so who gathered should be embarrassed to be associated with this.

It's not just the bloodthirstiness, either, but the stupidity. Someone thought they'd be clever and make up this sign tying the NSA program to a call for Bush's impeachment (via, which has a number of hilarious pictures of the rally posted on his site):

I assumed that the WCW protestors had the foresight to buy the toll-free number listed to assist in spreading their message. I called the number to hear what they had to say, but instead got quite a surprise. The phone number for 800-IMPEACH actually belongs to Principle Business Enterprises, which manufactures Tranquility incontinence products.

It's the perfect sponsor for a protest group that can't hold its water and wait for the electoral process to work.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 5, 2006 3:13 PM

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