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Yesterday I noted an interview with former Senator Alan Simpson and his statement that the Washington press corps seemed to specialize in "controversy, crap, and confusion". I asked CQ readers to send me their best logos for what should shortly become a classic motto for the DC gaggle. I posted a couple of entries I received shortly after I asked in my original post, but here are a few others that have come in since. Click on the link to the extended entry to see all of the suggestions.
UPDATE: I've added more to the list, including an entry from Sissy Willis I missed the first two times around. Take a look at the great entries, and keep sending more ...
Pete at iHillary has a number of ideas:
Jacqueline has certain people in mind:
Matt at Overtaken By Events has a certain network in mind:
And Karl has separate logos for the White House and Capitol Hill gaggles:
And Anonymous Drivel sends this graphic that fits neatly on any blog sidebar:
Sissy Willis focuses on the current victim:
Virgil Rogers has a bumpersticker:
Rick Holte sees red:
John McGrath broadcasts his dissatisfaction:
Jen goes global:
And Derek Brigham from Freedom Dogs shows his well-known ingenuity and artistic flair:
Keep them coming! Please be sure to keep the size within reason -- say, no more than 400 pixels in height or width.

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