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February 28, 2006
Homeward Bound -- First Mate Update

The hospital finally released the First Mate earlier today after dialyzing her this morning. She's feeling pretty good, and the change of scenery has done wonders for her spirits. Right now we're watching a History Channel presentation on the Titanic and an updated theory of the collision that sank her (I TiVo'd it this weekend for the FM). She starts her regimen of dialysis tomorrow and will go three times a week. She's not exactly looking forward to this, but she's happy to be feeling better.

She and I thank all of you for your prayers and kind thoughts; I received supportive messages from everyone across the entire spectrum. The readers at CQ make this the special place that it is, and I'm humbled by your kindness and your thoughtful and earnest debate.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 28, 2006 8:03 PM

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