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Sneakeasy's Joint joined the 101st Fighting Keyboarders and posted about his decision to join up -- which prompted a surprising e-mail from US Central Command:
Hi, Kiril:I caught your post about the 101st Fighting Keyboardists. Good luck with the project! I’m not sure if you have been to the US Central Command website but we regularly post news, photos, audio and video from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. You (and your fellow bloggers) are welcome to use any materials you find on our site. If you’d like to receive the weekly electronic newsletter and monthly Coalition Bulletin, just ask.
If you could add a link to CENTCOM, it’d be appreciated (I’m trying to spread the word about our site!). I’ve attached the CENTCOM logo, should you want to use it with the link. Thanks!SPC C. Flowers
CENTCOM Public Affairs
I have had some correspondence with SPC Flowers in the past, who handles relations with bloggers and other media. They have an RSS feed available at Centcom and regularly update it.
It's very gratifying to get this kind of validation for our effort, but I know from our correspondence that Centcom appreciates the support they receive from many people across the blogosphere. I wonder how many will refer to Centcom as chickenhawks?
UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! I'm still way behind on the blogroll, but I'm working on it, I promise. For those who argue that Centcom didn't endorse this in an official way ... well, no kidding. It's hardly a form letter, either. Did anyone notice where SPC Flowers wrote, "I caught your post about the 101st Fighting Keyboardists. Good luck with the project"? That sounds to me like SPC Flowers appreciates this blogospheric effort to support the mission and the troops. He's certainly encouraging us to continue it.

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