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June 14, 2006
Hospiblogging, Day 2: The Needle Cometh (And Goeth)

Not too much to report on Day 2 of my personal hospiblogging quest. I received an epidural cortisone injection as a first tactic to resolved the ruptured disc, but both of my doctors don't hold out a lot of hope that it will bear much fruit. The anesthesiologist took a few moments before the procedure to show me a model of vertebrae with discs in various stages of injury. ("This is a normal disc ... and this [pulling out a model reminiscent of Igor] is your disc, Mr. Morrissey.") It went well enough, since they sedated me prior to the procedure. I woke up in time to get moved back into my own bed.

So far, I haven't noticed much difference. I still cannot walk more than a couple of steps without serious assistance, and the pain even in rest has not improved much. This solution takes a couple of days to evaluate, though, so I have to have some patience. Hopefully a night's sleep will move it along.

I did have a roommate briefly today, which wouldn't have been so bad except that I got all of his family in here all day long. That wouldn't have been so bad either, except that they were in the middle of an argument over treatment that went all day long, and everyone kept weighing in on the subject. Meanwhile, the three grandsons kept pushing the TV louder and louder and proceeded to ignore it entirely while they played video games. I suspect that they had wireless game controllers, because I constantly lost my wireless connection during their stay. After five hours of this, they finally arranged for the grandfather to receive treatment at another hospital and packed up.

It's quiet again, and I'm definitely OK with that!

For those who missed it, the First Mate came home yesterday, and she seems to be doing very well. She's walking unassisted and getting a little caught up on her sleep, and our son and daughter-in-law are keeping her company. The Admiral Emeritus and his wife will be out on Friday to assist her, and the week after that my sister will replace them in the rotation. The FM wants me to tell all of you how much your prayers and kind thoughts meant to her over the past few weeks. They gave her great comfort, and I thank you as well.

Now that it's quiet, I might take a gander at a couple of the DVDs I brought with me ... or I might just keep blogging. We'll see...

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 14, 2006 4:35 PM

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