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June 15, 2006
Hospiblogging, Day 3: The Kindest Cut?

Today was a day of clarity for the doctors and myself, as the cortisone injection failed to produce any good results. I woke up this morning feeling a little less pain, and I even managed to get a shower for the first time here. Let me tell you, I've used more luxurious bathrooms but I never had a shower that felt so good. In fact, I concentrated so hard on getting into the shower that I forgot I still had my glasses on until I knocked them onto the floor.

That respite was short-lived, as it turns out. By the end of the morning, all of the pain had returned and it became apparent that cortisone therapy would not address the rupture. My two doctors and I decided that surgery would be the best course of action, and so we have it scheduled for tomorrow, either early in the morning or in mid-afternoon. I spoke with the specialist and my primary-care physician about the risks and benefits, and all of us agreed that there wasn't much point in waiting any further. None of us thought that the injection would do much, but we had all agreed that it made sense to at least try it first, as it didn't impact the surgery option anyway.

I'm a bit nervous about the surgery, but I will be glad to get rid of the excruciating pain that thunders through my leg every time I move. The doctor tells me that the relief will be immediate, and that I could go home in a day or two after the surgery, depending on how I heal. I will be out of work for at least a week and maybe two; I have a 40-minute commute to work that is the real threshold on my ability to return.

The surgery may happen at 7:30 am or 4:00 pm CDT, depending on OR availability. I'm hoping for the early slot, if only to get the whole issue resolved that much sooner. If I'm still blogging at 8 am, you'll know that I didn't get lucky on the scheduling.

The First Mate is doing fine, and we have family staying with her for support.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 15, 2006 5:12 PM

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» Best Wishes, Captain Ed from Blue Crab Boulevard
Captain Ed from The Captain's Quarters has been in the hospital with a ruptured disk in his back. Tomorrow he is scheduled to undergo surgery. I think everyone, left or right will join me in wishing him the very best of luck. My wife had ... [Read More]

Tracked on June 15, 2006 8:45 PM


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