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June 24, 2006
Update From CQ's Sick Bay

I've received a few requests to update readers on the status here at the infirmary, and Saturday seems like a good day to post it. The First Mate has been home now for almost two weeks and is doing a little better than before. We found out that she had pneumonia earlier, which is what caused her low oxygenation and poor energy. She still has some of the infection in her lungs, so she has to have oxygen at all times now. We have a pretty nifty oxygen generator here at the house, and it has a long lead on it, so she doesn't need to use a tank unless she leaves the house. I understand that portable oxygen generators exist, and we may look into that as an alternative to the tanks.

Her CMV infection slowly has improved, but she's still seriously ill on that front. I have a better understanding of the scope of that infection, and found out that it really is life-threatening if it gets out of control. All other considerations have been put on hold until she recovers from the CMV, including immune suppression for her pancreas transplant. That will not risk a rejection for probably several months as her immune system has been so badly suppressed up to now (which is why she has the CMV infection in the first place), but we will keep an eye on it. On the plus side, however, her anemia finally seems to be under control and her bone marrow appears responsive.

As for me, I'm still on the mend. Last night, I spent the first night in bed rather than in a recliner. The doctors recommend staying in the recliner so that the mechanical process can assist patients in getting up. I handled it fine this morning, so I can get back to normal sleep. The pain is mostly gone except for bruising around the surgical site, but I'm still weak, especially in my right leg. Today I got a haircut and ran a couple of errands, with the Admiral Emeritus chaufferring, but I overdid it and now I'm exhausted. (The last errand was to have T-Mobile replace my cell phone, which has trouble pulling in a signal; they took excellent care of me and will have a warranty replacement sent in the next few days.)

I will be unable to do the Northern Alliance Radio Network show today, because I still cannot sit for more than a few minutes in a straight-bck chair. I'll be listening, however, and maybe call in for a segment if Mitch and King can squeeze me into what should be a packed schedule today. Be sure to listen at AM 1280 The Patriot, starting now and continuing until 3 pm CT.

Addendum: Thank you for all your prayers and kind thoughts. I would like to offer my own for Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake, who lost her mother rather unexpectedly two days ago.

UPDATE: I'll be on the show at 1 pm CT for at least a segment, via the telephone. If you want to call in and join the conversation, dial 651-289-4488. The Patriot has a great webstream, so be sure to listen there if you're not in the Twin Cities area.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 24, 2006 11:50 AM

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