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September 18, 2006
A Date To Remember

Today marks two important events in my life, and I hope CQ readers will indulge me a short post to note both. First, today is CQ commenter Vayapaso's birthday. Since Vayapaso also goes by "Mom" around the house, it's safe to say that she's the one commenter most responsible for the blog's existence. Happy birthday, Mom, and hope you have a wonderful day.

Coincidentally, this is also the seventeenth anniversary of the day I met the First Mate. (Apparently I had something else going on other than Mom's birthday in 1989.) Needless to say, September 18th is a pretty damned good day for me, and I'm lucky on both counts.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 18, 2006 6:39 AM

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