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... please be sure to drop by the 2006 Weblog Awards and cast a vote for Captain's Quarters as Best Conservative Blog. It looks like Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs is running away with this category, and it's hard to argue with anyone who chooses LGF -- or any of the other great blogs in this category.
I'll have an endorsement list later, but I do want to throw in a special mention for The Moderate Voice as Best Centrist Blog. In my opinion, Joe Gandelman and his co-bloggers practically define centrist blogging, and he deserves the nod. Unfortunately, that puts me at odds with another one of my favorites, QandO, which isn't really centrist but libertarian. They didn't have a group blog category this time, so QandO appears in competition with TMV.
Most of all, be sure to select a new blog every day to read!
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