Shhh! I’m Channeling My Inner GOODLE

At the end of yesterday’s Bleat, James Lileks posted a link to a site he’d found when he misspelled Google during a search. I decided to follow his link, wherever his link may take me, and I wound up at the L & J Corporation, apparently based in South Korea. James’ link allowed me the choice between a Korean-language site or an English-language site … and I’m sure you can guess which one I chose.
However, once I began reading the page, I was less certain that I had chosen wisely. Being a student of a foreign language (Irish, because it is so applicable in the Upper Midwest of the US!), I understand that translating text on a word-for-word basis without accounting for idioms and contextual shifts generate results that can be unintelligible, annoying, and/or hilarious. You tell me which you think apply:

We produce and dispose of inner GOODLE. We realized Korean traditional heating system Ondol into the product inner GOODLE by succeeding merits and supplementing problems within its system. To realize the system we introduced a revolutionary fabricated construction system.

If they both produce and dispose inner GOODLE, how do they make money? If they’re supplementing problems in the systems, though, I can see why they need to dispose of the product at the end.

Although it is regarded as the best heating system which has excellent functions and needful merits in it, panel heating system with Ondol has not been sufficiently studied in comparison with research accomplishment in other systems. There needed to develop a new construction method to modernize and to introduce dry process in construction Ondol.

I’m still not certain what L & J actually manufactures, but the person who wrote the text for the website has to be the same one who wrote the user’s manual for my digital camera. Check out the entire site for a laugh, before L & J finds someone who knows how to write in English.