Mitch Berg on Liberal Talk Radio

No, Mitch is not defecting: the much-ballyhooed liberal talk-radio network has announced its schedule and on-air talent. (Thank goodness we got our show on when we did!) Rather than tear this group to pieces, I’ll direct you to the Northern Alliance’s own Mitch Berg from Shot In The Dark, who does a great job of it this morning.
Mitch even makes predictions on how long the hosts will last. I think he gives Janeane Garofalo too much credit — she’ll be gone in 90 days. She’ll be lucky to fill an hour; she’d better hope for a lot of in-studio guests and phone calls. I notice that Al Franken had to rip off Bill O’Reilly’s show name instead of coming up with one of his own (“The O’Franken Factor”?). That level of creativity doesn’t bode well for a show that bills itself as three hours of relentless “satire”.