The Captain Sails Into San Diego

For CQ readers in Southern California, you get a sneak peek (or soundbite) of Captain Ed ahead of tomorrow’s Northern Alliance launch of its live Internet stream tonight at 6:30 PM. I have been asked to appear on Stacy Taylor’s radio program on KOGO. Stacy wants to talk about bloggers, the Democratic convention, and John Kerry’s acceptance speech.
This call surprised me somewhat — I haven’t met Stacy Taylor or spoken with him before, and I’m not sure where they found me. I’m happy they did, and I hope San Diego gets its money’s worth from my segment. If you get a chance to listen, drop a comment on this post and let me know what you thought of it.
UPDATE: It was fun, and Stacy was a gracious host to both myself and TalkLeft’s Jeralynn Merritt, who talked over both of us. I’d have been more combative, but frankly, I’m too tired to start sniping at people. Jeralynn certainly had an interesting point of view, but it would have been nice if she had let me finish answering the questions I was asked before disagreeing.