Hugh Hewitt Interviews Condoleezza Rice

If you didn’t get a chance to listen to Hugh Hewitt’s excellent interview with Dr. Condoleezza Rice on his show last night, Hugh thoughtfully has provided the transcript. I highly recommend reading it all the way through. It’s short but informative. For me, here’s the money quote:

Dr. Rice: Yes, well we have had to rebuild the intelligence capabilities of the United States. They went through a very difficult period of time after the collapse of the Soviet Union where a number of people were not foresightful enough to see that we were going to continue to need really strong intelligence services, even if the Soviet Union had been defeated. There were important cuts in the infrastructure of the Central Intelligence Agency in their activities that they are still trying to rebuild.

As I’ve said before, national security policy is the central issue of this campaign. Do we want to return to the 1990s, when the philosophy was that we were “at the end of history” and could afford to chop out funding for intelligence and defense to fund more social engineering, and terrorism was merely a reactive law-enforcement problem? Or do we stick with policies that prevent attacks by enhancing our intelligence capabilities and forcing our enemies to fight us on their turf instead of ours?