I Guess The P-I Missed This, Too

ABC News reports that a number of suspicious incidents have been reported on ferries in the state of Washington, according to the FBI. Accordingly, they have issued warnings to local law enforcement and alerted the Coast Guard to heighten their awareness in the area:

There have been a number of suspicious incidents this summer aboard Washington state ferries, which prompted the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Coast Guard to increase security along the ferry lines and to issue a warning to law enforcement.
“On several occasions since May 2007, members of the public and employees of the Washington State Ferry (WSF) have reported a number of suspicious activities aboard state ferries,” said the note, sent out Wednesday to state and local law enforcement by the chief intelligence officer at DHS.
The warning was issued as the hunt continues for two potential suspects that were observed on multiple Washington state ferries. The individuals “exhibited unusual behavior and undue interest in the layout and workings of the ferries and ferry terminals,” said the note.

This gives more context to the flap that arose in Seattle, when the Post-Intelligencer refused to run a photo of two men who “exhibited unusual behavior and undue interest”. The FBI wanted help in identifying the two men captured in the photo taken by a ferry employee unnerved by the pair’s questions. The P-I claimed that a right to privacy — for a picture taken on a public ferry — overrode any security considerations.
It turns out that ferry employees have reported a number of incidents. In fact, all of the incidents reported appear to involve the same two men, which really has the FBI curious about their identities and their intentions. That’s why the FBI felt strongly enought to ask Seattle media to run the picture.
Why would al-Qaeda target the ferries in Seattle? They run close to some pretty attractive targets. Power plants, chemical facilities, and oil refineries all sit within close range of the boats. If a few good-sized bombs could get onto the ferries (perhaps in cars?), an AQ cell could seize control of a few and wreak havoc on Seattle.
DHS has increased security on the ferries and other transportation outlets in the region, ABC News says. They have no specific information about any planned attacks — but thanks to the P-I, they haven’t been able to question this pair about their unusual interest in ferry infrastructure.
In case you missed the earlier post, here’s the picture the P-I wouldn’t run:

If you have any information about these two men, please call the FBI office near you.

48 thoughts on “I Guess The P-I Missed This, Too”

  1. Check the recent movie Deja Vu if you’d like to see the inspiration for a ferry attack. Kinda devestating and just the kind of spectacular event to inspire Jihadist interest.

  2. The Intelligencer, another contradiction in terms, is aiding and abetting a sworn enemy that is trying to destroy the city and it’s infrastructure. Seattle has made the choice to sacrifice it’s population on the altar of multicultularism. Once al qaeda has a city in it’s sights it is only a matter of time before that city is attacked. Seattle learned nothing from the millenium bomber in L.A., the Space Needle on New Years, and attacks on Jewish institutions in Seattle.
    Civil liberties apparently is a right that takes precedence over the privilege to live. Talk about getting your priorities confused.

  3. If something does happen and a link to those men can be demonstrated, that paper needs to face criminal charges for aiding terrorism.

  4. They look like just a couple of nice young lads enjoying the scenery and engaged in the calm and tranquil practice of the Religion of Peace.
    Or not.

  5. They look like just a couple of nice young lads enjoying the scenery and engaged in the calm and tranquil practice of the Religion of Peace.
    Or not.

  6. Check the recent movie Deja Vu if you’d like to see the inspiration for a ferry attack. Kinda devestating and just the kind of spectacular event to inspire Jihadist interest.

  7. I rode the ferry over to San Juan Islands last summer. Beautiful trip.
    I don’t recall a single security check. We sat in our rental car for an hour or so and then we drove onto the ferry.
    But there should be plenty of time to check under the hood and to check the trunk prior to people driving onto the ferry.
    Just too easy to take the ferry down by hiding a car bomb in the trunk, as the cars are packed close to the hull.

  8. Terrorism…So simple, even a cave-man can do it.
    Especially when you have friends in the Media.

  9. Blog statement from David McCumber at Seattle PI.com:
    “We certainly have plenty of feedback to consider from the ferry photo issue as we go forward.
    I understand that people have a hard time with the concept that we get to decide what is news and what isn’t, and what is fair and what isn’t.
    Several people have basically told me I didn’t have the right to withhold the photos of the individuals the FBI want to identify. One person even said, “You have a responsibility to obey all FBI directives.”
    That’s not the way a free press works.
    If everything any government authority handed us was automatically unquestioned “news,” we would be a state-run newspaper. Strangely, some of the same people who have made arguments that we should unquestioningly follow the FBI’s directives are also very critical of “big government.”
    This afternoon I got a call from a Washington State Ferries captain who thanked me sincerely for the decision not to run the photos. He said he feared we were moving to some sort of brown-shirt state where hysteria replaced reason.
    He ended our short conversation by quoting Benjamin Franklin:
    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporaray safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
    I think there are very good arguments on both sides of this issue. The captain — and old Ben –expressed what I consider to be the controlling point here more eloquently than I was able to myself.
    Thanks for considering all sides of this. We certainly have.”
    Posted by David McCumber at August 22, 2007 7:56 p.m.
    McCumber makes an excellent point. Most of you here consider yourselves “conservatives.” So here’s a question for you. Do you believe the press has a “responsibility to obey all FBI directives”?

  10. The editors, key stockholders and management off “The Intelligencer” should be required to ride Seattle Ferries every day. That way when and if these “innocent looking men” blow one up, it will be their ass in the boat with their fellow Seattleites whom they would not help protect.

  11. Two words:
    Achille Lauro
    There was four Palestinians highjacking all cruise ship (that’s right, FOUR. It is like: one, two, three, FOUR).
    Terrorists look for soft, but spectacular targets. You can take any number of AK-47s, RPG and stuff on board. As a final of the action I can already see something like a scene from “Speed 2” played in Seattle harbor. And then the terrorists could even disappear in the total havoc.
    It would also be a good lesson for the laid back Westcoasters.
    Your plot wouldn’t work, cars are above the water line.

  12. Would the PI have run a picture of two skin head white males, or maybe two guy in white shirts with crosses around their necks? I think they would have.

  13. Filistro, your argument doesn’t make sense. While they aren’t required to “obey FBI directives,” that’s not the situation. The FBI wanted them to specifically run a story asking for information about a specific and very suspicious duo. This is extremely worthwhile public information, for one. But even if they decided not to run it, their self-congratulatory tone is smarmy beyond belief.
    These men have no right to privacy in the sense the P-I claims. Whether anyone likes it or not, you don’t get to act suspicious and then plead privacy when people check you out.

  14. Is al-Qaeda scoping out Seattle?

    ABC News reports on suspicious activity on several Seattle ferries, all by the same two men: There have been a number of suspicious incidents this summer aboard Washington state ferries, which prompted the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the

  15. Patrick says, “you don’t get to act suspicious…”
    Man, you guys really are determined to take all the fun out of life forevermore, aren’t you? It must be awful to live in such constant fear.
    A few years ago I was at a Las Vegas flea market which is very short on bathrooms and trash receptacles. I’d been walking around eating a BLT sandwich with fries and was eventually left with a greasy 8-inch square carbdoard carton. I folded it up as neatly as I could, then started looking around for a discreet place to dispose of it.
    Down here on the floor near one of the stalls? That’s littering. Tucked on the table next to a storage carton where a custodian will eventually find it and sweep it up? Maybe on this window ledge? No, too messy and obvious…
    Preoccupied by my search, I glanced up to find one of the vendors watching me with intent, narrowed eyes, trembling finger poised on cellphone.
    I was so startled, I didn’t even try to explain… just hurried off and blended into the crowd.
    Should I have expected to find my picture on the front page of a Las Vegas newspaper the next day, with the headline: “Woman Suspected of Planting Explosives at Flea Market! Do you know this person?
    (In fairness, I do have dark hair and a rather ethnic look, and am therefore pretty menacing…)

  16. That’s info is not news! It is a request from a government agency for help gathering information. The FBI had already tried other ways to get the info and came up dry. The editor and captain should be fired.

  17. TomB,
    My car was slightly above the water line, but only a couple of feet or so.
    And a car bomb might not sink the ferry, but I had five cars within a 10 foot radius of mine. All with gas tanks.
    I can think of a number of scenarios by which you could cause a lot of problems on one of those ferries and it would be easy to slip off prior to detonation.
    And you don’t necessarily have to sink the ferry – a serious fire at sea is no trifling matter, particularly with a bunch of civilians panicking while surrounded by ice cold water.

  18. Instead of reporting news as news, the newspaper editors are the overlords who get to decide what their “subjects” (i.e. subscribers) should or shouldn’t know. “What you don’t know won’t hurt you (or your feelings).” “Trust us to know what’s good for you.”
    And those Seattle-ites think themselves the more enlightened! Go figure.
    BAAAAHHHHHHHHH….(making sheep sounds.)

  19. The most interesting part of McCumber’s response is this:
    I understand that people have a hard time with the concept that we get to decide what is news and what isn’t, and what is fair and what isn’t.
    So what he’s saying essnetially is that he and his buddies are the arbiters of “the public’s right to know.” They get to decide what’s worth getting the rubes all riled up and what isn’t. They get to decide what we’re too child-like to hear, and what’s fit for people on our level. They get to decide when the actions of others pass moral muster, and what doesn’t.
    That’s an interesting view of the responsibilities of a free press. I wonder if that’s what the Framers of the First Amendment had in mind.

  20. I’ve been on the Seattle to Bainbridge ferry and there were two small Coast Guard speed boats escorting us. Both boats had mounted machine guns. Sort of reassuring although I don’t know what good they’ll do if someone drives a car bomb onto the ferry or takes the passengers hostage.
    P-I’s attitude is not a surprise — in that part of the country you can visit a 16′ bronze statue of Lenin.

  21. In June, I rode the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island and back. On both sides of the sound there were law enforcement officers with drug/explosive sniffing dogs walking along all of the cars and trucks before they were allowed on the ferry.

  22. I’d bet these two dudes have flown the country. Or, walked across, into Canada.
    Part of the Saud’s “purchases,” is that inside the tents at Riyadh they pay for trips, IF those guys taking them, flash an engineer’s degree. And, they say “we have a plan.”
    I’d bet the London and Glasgow operations has put a dent in some of the crazier “plans” these idiots can come up with.
    Also, from Glasgow. Where one of the terrorists toasted himself, it is now know he was higher than a kite, on morphine. Felt no pain. At the time. Made an ass of himself. (Which, no matter how you look at it, had to “hurt.”) Then? Well, he lingered in a coma till he died. Riyadhs, having trouble using this material in their recruitment posters.
    Then, of course, you’ve got the “bong” story. That started out its life as “a package of sparklers.”
    Seems, the FBI has more than a few screws loose, when it comes to “talking to the public.” Most of the time I think FBI agents are taught to do this with their sphincter mucsles. Their mouths just can’t handle the truth.
    As to the Muslims; to quote on British woman who was asked about a passing muslim parade going down her block, “what she thought.” Just said RUBBISH.
    The Brits know a thing or two about “understatements.”
    Oh, yeah. The Saud’s are still at it. And, our MSM are still their guides.
    And, the Internet GROWS AND GROWS on this stuff. Turning the news cycles the MSM had gotten used to, in something now matching hurricane force.
    By the way, if you were a landlord, with property up in that area, what would you do if guys showed up to rent? How about if they were Mideastern types?
    Again, what you don’t see also counts. And, even in the blue-blue state of Washington, where Seattle is some sort of elite “hub” … the popularity for the Muzzies is at a minimum. Who can ask for more than that?

  23. Of course they aren’t “required” to run photos if the FBI asks.
    In fact, as a matter of journalistic ethics, it’s probably better that they didn’t run the photos.
    You wouldn’t want the P-I giving the impression that they were taking sides in the GWOT.

  24. WOO-WOO. I notice this! The Seatle PI has a dot.com address! So they can now get feedback from people who refuse to pay for the stamp on an envelope. Which was the “old-fashioned way,” when you wanted to grab an editor’s attention. (Or pull his beard.)
    So, we can now see, the earlier decision NOT to put the photos of these two Mideasterners UP, was a decision made by a newspaper person. In business, of course, “of deciding what’s news, and what’s not.”
    And, ya know what? They got PANTS by Drudge! Millions of people go to Drudge. While only a very few thousand, at best, care what’s in any daily newspaper; let alone something on the water’s edge.
    The newspaper guys could learn a thing or two, I guess, from this? Since they’re not in front of the news cycle; but are bringing up its rear.
    In other words? Thanks to Drudge. And, others on the Internet, that photo is out there now.
    Sure seems like a business opportunity slipped through the fingers of those who need to see a paying audience. So, I’m guessing. This must be vaudeville, RIIGHT?

  25. There have been several instances since 9-11 where “suspicious activity” aboard ferry boats was reported. For instance: in 2002, ferry operators in San Francisco reported that, someone described as a Middle Eastern man…boarded a ferry to Alcatraz, but did not leave the boat when it reached the island. Instead, the man videotaped boat traffic and used a stopwatch to time the route. Also reported was, the individual while taping went up to the bridge and scanned the area. Bay Area ferry operator and security uniforms were also reported missing.
    There is one constant in acts of terrorism by Al-Qaida, or AQ clones, they do dry run after dry run on the target. They do recce, then some more and can plan a major hit for several years. When the target is caught sleeping..they strike!

  26. There have been several instances since 9-11 where “suspicious activity” aboard ferry boats was reported. For instance: in 2002, ferry operators in San Francisco reported that, someone described as a Middle Eastern man…boarded a ferry to Alcatraz, but did not leave the boat when it reached the island. Instead, the man videotaped boat traffic and used a stopwatch to time the route. Also reported was, the individual while taping went up to the bridge and scanned the area. Bay Area ferry operator and security uniforms were also reported missing.
    There is one constant in acts of terrorism by Al-Qaida, or AQ clones, they do dry run after dry run on the target. They do recce, then some more and can plan a major hit for several years. When the target is caught sleeping..they strike!

  27. There have been several instances since 9-11 where “suspicious activity” aboard ferry boats was reported. For instance: in 2002, ferry operators in San Francisco reported that, someone described as a Middle Eastern man…boarded a ferry to Alcatraz, but did not leave the boat when it reached the island. Instead, the man videotaped boat traffic and used a stopwatch to time the route. Also reported was, the individual while taping went up to the bridge and scanned the area. Bay Area ferry operator and security uniforms were also reported missing.
    There is one constant in acts of terrorism by Al-Qaida, or AQ clones, they do dry run after dry run on the target. They do recce, then some more and can plan a major hit for several years. When the target is caught sleeping..they strike!

  28. Well, RN, if you’re saying that the terrorists do “dry runs,” then I’d suppose there were dry runs for the “events” this summer, at Glasgow’s airport. Still the car’s bumper was wider than the barriers.
    I guess the “engineers” didn’t think, while doing their “dry runs” to go out, and “measure.”
    While, sure, I do agree with “casing da’ joint.” Criminals do this all the time.
    Finding the “moment,” however, when the guards are asleep; (if you can’t pay them off, first), isn’t something noteworthy for its levels of success. That’s why there are lots of idiots, also known as criminals. In jail.
    You could ask, why did one of the Glasgow terrorists set himself on fire. Seems like it was a “debilitating” thing to do; even on the way to meeting “allah.” But it sure did make for spectacular news! Didn’t it?
    Using the Internet, because I now no longer turn on the TV, I went to the link provided, directingme to SKY NEWS; which covered Glasgow as a breaking story, without stopping for commercials.
    Oh, yeah. At that time, there were two “degree’d people involved in terrorism. Not what we’re told of the “poor and downtrodden,” at all. Just spoiled brats, on their way to mecca’s promise. That one even passed medical school, is just amazing. The other? The one who sent “flambe?” He was an engineer.
    Forgot to measure.
    As to the “stop watch” business, in this particular story, I doubt that traffic “on the river” ever matches stop-watch technology. No matter what it is you think you’re “timing.”
    Can we get hit with terrorism, again?
    Sure thing.
    But it’s starting to emerge that the “best laid plans” going into Riyadh, are developed to attack BONKEYS! Don’t those people know that voters who vote Bonkeys are in short supply?
    Seems like their drawing board techniques can provide laughter, or whatnot, after all.

  29. The most interesting part of McCumber’s response is this:
    I understand that people have a hard time with the concept that we get to decide what is news and what isn’t, and what is fair and what isn’t.
    So what he’s saying essnetially is that he and his buddies are the arbiters of “the public’s right to know.” They get to decide what’s worth getting the rubes all riled up and what isn’t

    The do get to decide what is news or isn’t news in the PI. If they decide that they want to put an idea of privacy above a possible public safety concern, then they get to do it. That is exactly what freedom of the press is all about. They are the arbiters of what gets printed in the paper because that is what they get paid to do.
    If people do not like how they do their job then they need to complain to the paper or stop buying it. The PI isn’t a public service, it is a private company. This is no different from a radio station not playing a certain song because of its content or a TV station not airing a show.
    If they jump at every single chance to post a picture of suspected skin head, that doesn’t make them criminals just hypocrites.
    The PI is selling a product and they do get to decide what that product is, even if they go out of business selling it.

  30. (In fairness, I do have dark hair and a rather ethnic look, and am therefore pretty menacing…)
    Sheesh. The Leftist even has a racist attitude towards herself.

  31. I call bs. The P-I didn’t run the photos because the men were middle eastern in appearance, and that goes against the narrative that terrorism is just a figment of the fevered Republican mind.
    If those guys had been asking around about the location of abortion clinics and they looked like they were from Iowa, their picture would have been on the front page.
    Media principles and the “public’s right to know” seem to be sacrosanct only when the information is of the kind that the editors want to be known. Otherwise – “the P-I is a private company and can do what it wants”. How facile.
    The inevitable conclusion is that the “public’s right to know” is fraudulant posturing used to justify printing stuff whose potential to be damaging to the public’s security is overridden by its potential to be embarrassing to Republicans. It has no other meaning.

  32. Leftists screech warnings all day about global warming, melting ice caps, the growing income gap, drowning polar bears, the increasing hatred of America, the spreading of extremism because of our actions, the collapsing economy, the failure of the education system…
    And yet when conservatives suggest that law enforcement should see if there’s anything behind the suspicious behavior of two men, leftists turn and–in the most condescending, contemptuous terms possible–make accusations of living in fear.
    I wish I were so completely full of myself that I’d feel nothing but pride and self-congratulation at being totally inconsistent, entirely hypocritical, and as unpleasant as a tumor.

  33. Don’t forget what a ferry load of explosives could do at the ferry landing in Bremerton WA, right next to Puget Sound Navy Shipyard.

  34. Being a lefty means you’re never responsible for anything. If something bad happens, It’s All Bush’s Fault (TM).

  35. filistro said:
    “McCumber makes an excellent point. ”
    Actually, should another attack occur, McCumber will be the first one to blame the evil Bush, and you’ll be second.
    You really need to get out more, fil. Once a single news provider gets to determine “what is news”, then we’re screwed. Yet that’s exactly what you’re endorsing by defending this overgrown hippie newspaper editor.
    Bill Hobbs over at Newsbusters had an excellent analysis of this story-excerpt:
    “But you do not get to “decide what is news” anymore.
    “We get to decide what is news and what isn’t” is the old gatekeeper mentality of news, a death-wish mentality in the current media landscape in which the people can get information from any number of media outlets – print, broadcast, and Internet. The P-I’s refusal to run the photos didn’t stop anyone in Seattle from seeing the photos, which were broadcast by local TV and the cable networks, published by the Seattle Times, and carried on countless blogs.
    The Seattle P-I is not the arbiter of what is news anymore. No media is anymore. The public is. And the blowback the P-I got from readers – judging from the comments left on various P-I blogs and its story-related haiku contest – suggests that the paper’s readers thought the photos were newsworthy.
    The P-I decided otherwise – chosing to serve political correctness rather than the public it claims to serve.”

  36. You all make an intellectually lazy (and politically risky) error when you automatically call everybody who disagrees with you a “lefty.”
    Trust me, there’s a big bloc of old-line conservatives out there who DETEST George Bush’s big spending, massive government, divisive use of Christian fundamentalism and disastrous, fear-driven neoconservative war.
    We’re not “lefties” and we do vote… in droves.

  37. Let’s not forget that we could have prevented part of the 9/11 attacks by using profiling. An alert airport guy at the Jetport in Portland Maine was positive that Mohammed Atta and his accomplice were bad guys on that morning, but he bowed to political correctness and let them catch their feeder flight to Boston. He’s regretted it ever since.
    I think Seattle may want to consider what New York City did after 9/11, namely eliminate vehicle traffic on the Staten Island Ferry.

  38. Sorry, Filistro, you stuck your dip stick in at the wrong end of the problem. Obviously, PI did not run the photos. They’re mistake? They thought that would be the end of it.
    So, you go to the next BUSINESS QUESTION. Can you tell if their decision was profitable? Or not? Basically, you can massage your messages as much as you want. You still have to sell copy, if you’re a newspaper. And, you have to look like an outfit that knows what’s it’s doing, if you want to reach an audience. Even if all you hope for is to sell to ONLY your current subscribers, it doesn’t help coming off looking like an idiot to the greater audience out there. Who knows of this story. Because it “traveled.”
    True, the pundits have no idea how information gets out on the Net. They’re not putting it there. So, there’s “no lost and found” department for them.
    On the other hand, (and I don’t know how stupid the paper’s staff really is); but they look like idiots.
    How can that be? Most of us aren’t hung up on looking at FBI posters, anymore. How did they fall afoul, by decision?
    Well? IF they ran the picture, the news cycle would have had to give them attribution. Such an old-fashioned idea. But it means getting credit.
    Just like in school. When you get the right answers, you SCORE.
    Seems the FBI’s desires, that these two faces get out there; with a phone number to call; got accomplished. No help from PI.
    PI scored no points. Do I care? Nah.

  39. It’s all a Bush plot.
    EVERYTHING!!! Do you not know?
    An evil Bush plot!
    (Yet another Seattle PI-style haiku in honor of Captain “Ferry Chickenhawk” Ed)

  40. First of all, ferry traffic in the Seattle area is increasing all the time. Second, access to the San Juan islands, including Whidbey Island (where my mother lives) is by ferry. Waiting times of up to two hours are common. Ferries run all over Puget Sound, crisscrossing from the mainland to the Olympic Peninsula, all the way from Vancouver to Bremerton.
    The larger auto ferries carry hundreds of cars, including the largest semi trucks. Obviously, they also carry hundreds of people.
    Tell me again how there’s absolutely no danger, and how we must protect the privacy of unknown people who act suspiciously.

  41. As a seattlite, I’m not sure that bombing the ferries would cause too much havoc at all (aside, of course, from the people on the ferries). Granted, a lot of people ride the ferries, but it really holds no strategic value, and Seattle would NOT be thrown into a state of havoc. I think there might be only 1 island the ferries go to that you can’t normally get to by car anyway. Let’s not overstate the threat here… Is it possibly scary? Yes. But just seeing too suspicious people shouldn’t really throw too much of a scare in you. There are 5000 benign reasons for them to look suspicious, and only 1 malignant one.

  42. If the Washington State Ferry system is shut down for a week while we investigate an attack that damages/sinks a ferry full of people going to work, the shock would be felt far and wide. Let’s not forget the military installations at Everett, Whidbey Island, and the secret sub-base all within a few nautical miles of each other. Seattle would be thrown into a state of shock/disbelief/panic/anger for a some time and it would be felt throughout America. If these mutts could get more than one in a few minutes of each other, it would be 9/11 bad even if the death toll is not nearly as high.
    Hope someone knows something and calls the FBI.

  43. “I understand that people have a hard time with the concept that we get to decide what is news and what isn’t, and what is fair and what isn’t.”
    Wow – Mr. McCumber you certainly have a pair.
    To respond to that statement — No, actually you don’t, Mr. McCumber. All you get is to *chose* to print a news story or not. It doesn’t make it less news b/c you have decided to ignore it. And last time I checked, managing editors of newspapers were not considered the final arbiters of justice.
    And we as consumers can decide not to read or purchase your newspaper due to the lack of news. I think any outraged Seattle resident ought to stop buying and subscribing to their papers! Money talks.

  44. “So here’s a question for you. Do you believe the press has a “responsibility to obey all FBI directives”? “
    Yes, since the “free press” is actually a privately run business and, just like all other privately owned and operated businesses (and even publicly owned corporations), they are required to obey all law enforcement directives.
    As a private citizen, I am required to obey FBI directives, along with all other law enforcement directives, so why should the privately held “free press” not also be required to obey the FBI? All businesses and citizens are required by local, state, and federal law to obey directives issued by law enforcement agencies like the FBI. The owners and employees of these “free press” businesses should be held to the same standards as the rest of the citizens of the US.
    BTW, the FBI didn’t issue a directive, they issued a request. There’s a big difference between the two. The PI would like everyone to think that FBI was trying to force them into following a directive which they refused, but that’s just an attempt to lay blame on the FBI and to avoid the public response to the PI’s refusal to grant that request. It’s not the PI’s fault, it’s the fault of the FBI for their racial profiling, don’t you see? At least that’s what the PI wants us to believe.

  45. “There are 5000 benign reasons for them to look suspicious, and only 1 malignant one.”
    How can anyone differentiate between benign and malignant actions unless people are questioned by law enforcement officers as to their motives and intent? It’s foolish to assume that their motives are ether benign or malignant without questioning the men and investigating their actions. That’s what the FBI is attempting to do, question these men in an attempt to relieve, or confirm, suspicions as to the intent of their actions. Isn’t that one of the jobs of law enforcement; to remove or confirm, as much as possible, suspicion of criminal motives and intent as to someone’s actions? Isn’t that what we, as citizens, require of our law enforcement investigation? Not just the determination of possible guilt, but the determination of possible innocence as well?
    How can suspicion be removed or reduced if law enforcement officers are prevented from doing their jobs? The PI decided what the motives of these men were and, therefor, assumed the function of law enforcement officers. That’s way beyond their job description! It’s no wonder they are attempting to defend their actions, they are getting a lot of negative responses as to their self-appointed assumption of law enforcement duties and now they’re trying to reduce the damage they inflicted upon themselves. They have no one else but themselves to blame for their decisions.

  46. Seattle is a barn,they don’t protect visitors to their city – they treat their homeless like guests instead of bums; I stopped shopping there when I was threatened twice with rape by a bum, once I was walking up to church, another when I was walking to the library. I was safer in NYC at the age of 15.
    Are all Muslim men ugly ? Just wondering. Its just, well, think about it, maybe that is why they hate America. We are too ***** pretty.
    Seattle will have to face its karma one of these days, its just a matter of when. They are careless and arrogant. We live about 30 miles away and haven’t been back to the city in 15 years. Liberalism is going to be its death, though I just hope they don’t use nukes I would hate to glow in the dark, it would keep my husband awake.

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